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26th March 2018 Issue


From Cape to   Bluff in 18 days

5 MF-susansride-747

Ed Said - Typical of politicians


New release launch at Tavern


NRC wants feedback on ambitious 10-year plan


Factory supports projects with first round of funding

6 MF-Factoryfunds copy-353

New leaders for coming season

5 MF-MFCCraig1-502

Comedy, tragedy and love at weekend theatre festival

6 MF-Otamateanewplays-141

Integrated medicine, medical and natural


Double rose for valuable duo 

6 MF-Zontarose1 2018-894

Tsunami siren network testing over Easter


Company collapse reveals long list of creditors 

Gardening with Gael - It’s time to plant bulbs


Bumpy ride upsets commuters after resealing

6 MF-Molesrd1-48

Letters to the Editor

Bumps in the road I hope that the KDC pays a bonus to the contractor
Maori missing out So billionaire Ric Kayne has thrown his toys out of his cot
Financial meltdown A wee reminder for my regular readers.
Pathetic Politicians Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is to donate money


Dog owners commended for using training initiative

Dog owners living in and around the Brynderwyns responded enthusiastically to a March 18 invitation by Marunui Conservation to bring their dogs for kiwi aversion training. 

Sioux Macdonald with Flicka-7

First screening for Mangawhai doco club

The environmental, economic and social issues the world is currently facing can feel too big and too overwhelming to be dealt with by individuals. We encounter climate change, resource limits, economic downturn and social disconnection and an understandable response is that these issues can only be properly managed by our governments.

Time for a change, and challenge, says new Club manager

It was a traumatic trip through the jaws of cyclone Fehi in January en route to Christchurch airport, then north to Auckland and subsequently, drawn as if by magnet, to Mangawhai for her interview for Mangawhai Club manager. 
New manager at the Club 2018-470

New gallery a room with a view

A multi-talented local painter, whose artistic calling began in early childhood, has seen a long-time dream become a reality with the opening of his new studio and gallery. 

Kevin Wilcox artist-395

Worzels World - Coming out of the Kennel

I was born in a simpler age where milk came in only two available types, pasteurised and homogenized, and people were one of only two available genders, male or female. On my arrival the doctor informed my mother with the authority of an experienced obstetrician that I was a boy.


Magnificent Sevens bowl competition over 

A group of Mangawhai women have recently bowled over stiff competition to take away a national title. 

The Sevens team from Mangawhai Women’s Bowling Club (MWBC) won the New Zealand Regional Inter-Club 1st Division Bowls Tournament held in Wellington on March 2. 

6 MF-Bowling7's Winners-506

Mangawhai Pro-Am building solid reputation

There's a host of cliches about golf. Perhaps most quoted is Oscar Wilde's “Golf is a good walk spoiled”. But for the field in the 2018 PartnersLife Mangawhai ProAm on Thursday March 15, this banal statement couldn't have been further from the truth.

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