Worzel's World - Life in a panicdemicWe are told that we are in the midst of a pandemic. This is undoubtedly true but it is not as advertised. It is rather a plague of fear and delusion.
Anyone with a little spare time, and most should have plenty, should turn off the fake news and do a little research. We all know how effective our Government has been in controlling imported pests. A virus breeds faster than a rabbit and is harder to spot than a white tail spider. We’ve all had the flu before. Those who contract this new one should stay home, drink hot honey and lemon, and eat garlic. The garlic may not necessarily cure them but will at least keep others away. As my old mother used to say, ‘it will run its course’. Some who are already at death’s door will inevitably be nudged through. It is no secret that sooner or later everyone dies. But if you let the fear of death stop you from living you are already a terminal case. Death is inevitable, fear is optional. So is honesty, and the over-hyped rhetoric emanating from global media is dishonest indeed. Here are some facts: All influenzas are caused by a Coronavirus. This one has killed less people over a similar time than the usual seasonal influenza. It still has a long way to go before catching up to the yearly total of deaths caused by the side effects of prescription medication. It hasn’t yet matched the suicide rate. The testing system and data collection surrounding this supposed pandemic is scientifically flawed. I have already warned of the impending demise of the global economy. It was effectively dead years ago but has been kept breathing by such life support machinery as fiscal stimulus and quantitative easing. These are simply economists terms for printing more money. It is obvious where the blame lies. It is with bankers, financiers, politicians, public servants and the globalist corporate oligarchs who, with the collaboration of corporate media, worship the god of this world. The god of greed and power. Such as these see us merely as ’human resources’. They are the self-appointed farmers of people, milking them for all they are worth then sending them to the works. The human livestock must be compliant for them to achieve this. To deflect blame and avoid all responsibility they have, in the absence of a major crisis, resorted to blaming it upon a very minor one. A microscopic virus. You can’t drag a virus through the streets and hang it from a pole like Mussolini. It won’t blow itself up in a bunker like Adolf Hitler. No virus will ever stand trial. The tacit imposition of martial law has been blamed on the virus. The impending financial collapse will be blamed on the virus. The purported need for a global dictatorship, a new world order, will be blamed on the virus. Once called ‘Gods own country’ our own Kiwi culture, built by generations of rugged individualists, will be undermined. This will be blamed on the virus. The removal of cash and the imposition of digital currency will be blamed on the virus. An all intrusive surveillance state will be blamed on the virus. The mandating of a vaccine more dangerous than a virus could or would ever be will be blamed on the virus. The virus pandemic is being used as a cover for the surreptitious roll-out of dangerous 5G technology. We need to ask: Is the cure worse than the disease? The truth is that we are involved in a very large and multi-layered chess game. It has been played since the dawn of time and will conclude at the end of days. There are only two teams: White vs Black, God vs The Devil, Liberty and life vs Slavery and death, Love vs Fear. The only choice you get to make is which side you play for. Although bishops, knights, Kings, Queens and castles stand a little taller than the common pawn they are still just as much under the control of whichever player directs their moves. As a pawn, and often not a particularly useful one, the overall strategy is beyond me. I can however see some of the moves in advance. I have already told many through this column and elsewhere what was coming. It has begun to arrive, and quickly. Yet everyone seems so surprised? It is a good thing that during this ‘lockdown’ people have the time and leisure to contemplate whatever part they have played in the game so far. Many will realise that they have done little more than simply take up space on the board. This too shall pass. Many will realise that they have been playing for the wrong team. Often without even consciously knowing it. Time is running out but there is still time enough to change sides. Feedback? Email prof_ |