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Mangawhai Matters: Threats to the harbour are a threat to the community


27 Feb, 2023


thumbnail Mangawhai estuary harbour copy-818A comprehensive survey of uses made of the Mangawhai Harbour and estuary is the first step in a major study being undertaken by Mangawhai Matters Society Inc.


Mangawhai Matters Society Inc (MMI) aims to look after the interests of all Mangawhai residents and ratepayers by investigating the options for protecting and sustaining the harbour in the long term. This is a major study being conducted by MMI and is expected to take several years to complete.

The impact of the extreme La Nina weather this summer and particularly Cyclone Gabrielle provide insights into the possible economic impact if Mangawhai Harbour is permanently compromised by climate change or over-development in the future, says the Society’s chairman Doug Lloyd.

“It shows why our current investigation into options for protecting and sustaining the harbour is so important,” says Mr Lloyd.

The investigation being conducted by the Society will look at potential long-term impacts and aims to assess how they would affect the integrity and use of the harbour, and the possible effects on the community.

“For example, if the harbour loses its appeal because the spit is undermined, or breached, or sedimentation destroys water quality, or channel flows are blocked, then the loss of seasonal spending in Mangawhai could be permanent. It won’t just be a problem for business. It will be a problem for people who have moved to Mangawhai for its coastal lifestyle, and for those who currently holiday here,” said Mr Lloyd.

“Also many holidaymakers come here regularly to meet their recreational needs. If they cannot do so as much in the future, that is a real loss in the value the harbour provides, quite apart from the adverse effects on the environment, and the wildlife that depends on it,” says Mr Lloyd.

Mr Lloyd said that a survey of retail spending by both visitors and locals would be released soon and published for comment.

While it is about to commission a study of the physical conditions likely to influence the harbour, MMI is also gathering economic data from a variety of sources to establish its value to residents and visitors. As part of this, people will be asked about the use they make of it. The resulting survey, outlined in the accompanying box, will ensure that any initiatives that arise from the project reflect the behaviour and values of the people who use it or live near it.

The box sets out the surveys that will be undertaken over the next few months and asks for volunteers to help gather information.


n Want to join the Mangawhai Matters Society Inc. as a member and have a say? It’s only $20 per family per year. Please make deposits to 01-0204-0160241-00. Following your payment please email us at mangawhaimatters@gmail.com giving us your name, phone, and address so we can keep in touch.


1. MMI will be asking holidaymakers and day visitors about what they do when they are here. A one-page, self-completion questionnaire will be located at a number of locations for visitors and holidaymakers from late February to early April (including Easter). It will take two or three minutes to complete

2. Residents and bach owners are asked to complete a similar survey via a questionnaire on Facebook and the Mangawhai Matters website. It is anonymous and will take less than five minutes.

3. We are also recording weekend activity on the harbour. For this we need volunteers who can spend two hours at a time recording action on the harbour at the boat ramp, Alamar Reserve, or Lincoln St Reserve. This will be on weekends in March and early April. Forms for recording and instruction will be provided. If you can help, please phone Colin on 027 494 2192 or Ken on 027 442 5408.

A survey by Mangawhai Matters will look at potential long-term impacts of future weather systems on the estuary, how they would affect the integrity and use of the harbour, and the possible effects on the community. PHOTO/JULIA WADE

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