
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



27th June 2022 Edition

Personal quest leads to emotional first book for Liz

A decade-long search to find answers  

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Cleaver Endeavours: more than just arts and crafts

With a history which can be measured 
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Nominations open for would-be regional councillors

People keen to become involved in local body politics 


Restoring Waipu’s waterways

A nursery is being brought back to life 

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Mayor's Memo

Kia ora, Matariki marks the start of the new year 


Waipu and Bream Tail catchments to undergo eDNA sampling and studies

An exciting opportunity has arisen 

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The complete package

The best treatments I think for this time of the year

Alex Donald 2018 sm

The Climate Chap: What’s wrong with solar?

The day I’ve been long waiting for finally arrived 


Fagan Place units to be upgraded

Kaipara District Council is planning to upgrade 

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New signs hope to inform and improve safety on boardwalk

 Following on from a recent story regarding the safety of users 

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More than 1000 expected to protest Pakiri seabed sand mining

More than 1000 Pakiri seabed sand mining protesters 

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New Kauri Museum director welcomed with powhiri

A new director has been formally welcomed 

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Moda team community focused

From design, to build and installation
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Gardening with Gael: Snowed in down south

Camellias and magnolias are the usual topics 

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Brave pair take out Rescue of the Year award at MHVLS prizegiving

Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Lifeguard Service (MHVLS) 

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Shared Path welcomed, phase two faces delays

Phase one of Mangawhai’s Shared Path venture is coming close to completion with

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A lesson that animals can teach us

It’s interesting how we are conditioned
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Sand miners lack empathy for the environment they work in

The sand mining business of McCallum Bros 


Matariki celebrated in Mangawhai

It’s interesting how we are conditioned to view animals as ignorant or stupid, while in reality they can

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Rag monsters causing chaos in Kaipara

It may not be visible to those above ground

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Stop Three Waters roadshow heads to Mangawhai

On Saturday July 2 the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union 


Hundreds cannot vote in the upcoming KDC-NRC election

How to get on the electoral roll 


Mangawhai Snappers

All tied up with nowhere to go
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Nats deputy rools into town

Nicola Willis dropped into Mangawhai Golf Club

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Whats happening on our harbour?

Dune planting is an essential part of maintaining and managing
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