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Art workspace fundraiser on way to target


MAI at markets-816Mangawhai artists are working tirelessly to achieve their goal of building an art workspace for their community. 

Janine Brougham and a team of helpers has been at Mangawhai Tavern Market on Saturday’s to promote their PledgeMe campaign to raise $100,000.

“We have been rapt and encouraged by the support we’ve received,” says Janine. “Many people donate on the spot, then go home to pledge online and choose rewards…we’re reminding everyone to tell their friends too. It needs a big group effort to make this happen!”

As the word has spread pledges have come in from around New Zealand and the world. 

“People leave super messages after they’ve pledged,” says Lynn Middleton. “One of my favourites is the family who have pledged a concrete block for their daughter’s first birthday, so her name will be on the wall and be a permanent part of this community.”

Others pledging include US billionaire Ric and Suzanne Kayne.

“We are all about empowering people. A community-built and owned art workspace will make for great life experiences and bring out the best in people. We are very happy to contribute to make this happen for Mangawhai.”

Crowdfunding company PledgeMe says their feedback for the fundraising campaign is very positive.

‘The campaign is working hard to spread the word, and it's great to see how much support they're getting from the community,” says Jess Ducey, Chief People Wrangler at PledgeMe. “They're making steady progress towards their target, which is especially impressive for a local project in a small community.”

Online publication The Big Idea has also featured the project, with Mangawhai Artists Inc (MAI) identified as a great example of the power of community.

Sam Grover writes that ‘successful artists have a strong network of friends, family, other artists and arts-adjacent people who they can tap into for ideas… MAI provides both exhibition space where artists can display their work, hone their craft in workshops, and learn from one another. It’s a community that everyone can benefit from, not just the artists, but the wider Mangawhai community.  

Grover distinguishes between a collective (a group of people pooling resources) and a community (a group of people who work together to build each other up) and says there’s a particular magic in community.

The newly designed workspace will have much needed facilities to meet the demand of an expanding creative and artistic community. 

Pledges must reach the financial goal by the end of March. At the time of publication over $60,000 has been raised.

 How can you help? Go to pldg.me/mangawhaiart and make your pledge now!

From left, Rosina Kamphuis, Els Switser and Janine Brougham push their fundraising campaign at the Mangawhai Tavern Market.

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