
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
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Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



4th February 2017

Pedalling 3000 km for freedom

Some may have noticed a man on a tandem bicycle pedal quietly through Mangawhai a few weeks ago without barely a second glance, but Auckland IT consultant Naresh Kumar is quietly delivering an important message.

naresh kumar with bike-898

Trawler claims unfounded says MPI

Ed Said - Kiwi Kulcha- Mate ! Is there such a thing?

A headline in mainstream media caught my eye last week Do migrants dilute the New Zealand identity? Then followed… ‘Migrants do not dilute New Zealand's cultural identity despite more coming from non-traditional source countries, experts say.’


Environmentalists legacy home for sale

Ballantine property-998

Market on shaky ground at new location

Visitors to the Beach and Country Market at the Mangawhai Museum appeared to have had some difficulty getting around the featured stalls throughout January. 

3 MF-Market ground copy-297

Mangawhai to benefit from UFB boost

Extending Northpower Fibre’s ultra-fast broadband fibre network beyond Whangarei will be a significant boost for Northland, says company Chair Nikki Davies-Colley.


Project Wharf: MHRS plans to rebuild harbour feature

The early stages of a plan to rebuild the wharf that was formerly located at the end of Moir St adjacent to the Mangawhai Tavern, was outlined at a public meeting called by the Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society.

Mangawhai wharf historic-660

Painless giving to good causes

Which charities do we give to? How do we decide and how much is enough?

The answers to these questions are entirely personal but have you heard of the One Percent Collective? ‘Collective’ is the operative word. This Kiwi-based group gives to multiple charities so your choice is bound to be among them, but in choosing to become a partner, you commit 1 per cent of your income to the Collective.

Police Snippets

Thefts concern -  Mangawhai police say there has been a string of thefts 
Rubbush dumped -  The owner of a property discovered his land was used as  dump
Water stolen? -  A Hakaru resident had 7000 litres of water  drained from holding tanks.
Booze bus - The police ‘Booze Bus’ was in town on January 6 
Drivers snapped -   Molesworth Drive is still a hot spot for fast drivers

Free workshop to help build family harmony


Three summers in one day

Three Summers in one day-682

Letters to the Editor

Stories untold - The Government has set aside $4 million dollars to celebrate the land wars.
Water crisis - Up here in Pebblebrooke the Hakaru Stream comes through our property.
Global cooling Antarctica is in danger of a devastating ice meltdown
Thanks Worzel  - I always look forward to the Mangawhai Focus



More walking treasures on our doorstep

Te Arai view-817

Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours…

Once upon a time a man’s home was HIS castle. If he owned a property he could do with it whatever he chose – within certain Council regulations, of course. 


This view not for sale-206

Holiday retreat provides peace of mind

Amidst a classroom set in a tranquil Totara grove surrounded by native bush, a group of children discovered more than just entertainment to fill in these long hot summer days.


3 MF-Gayatree2-472

iPiyoda: The new word in exercise

Multi-tasking usually means work, but not for Mangawhai dance teacher Mary Madden.

We’ve come a long way since jazzercise and line dancing, and Mary’s training as a teacher and her love of ballet led to the formation of her Love 2 Dance programmes which introduced literally hundreds of school-age children to contemporary theatre and performance, exercise and enjoyment.

Worzels World - The Question of Fake News

Throughout the course of human history there has always been fake news. The first recorded instance of fake news was when a serpent told Eve that if she ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil she would become as God. A quick look around at the world today will show how well that one turned out.

Gardening with Gael - Coping with a dry garden

The drought has come early for the north. My friend Jan says it has rained regularly in Cambridge and her garden is flourishing. I can’t help but wish it would just slide north as I drive up to the Block observing the bare brown hillsides. 


Buxus sempervirens-54

Couple to share passion for dance

Carla Rosseels and Owen Williams are starting up a term of social dancing classes, bringing their passion for Ballroom and Latin dance to Mangawhai every Thursday, offering a fun and exciting mix of dance styles


Tango Carla owen-407

Kinesiology keeping you on track

Kinesiology. Heard that word before? Many people have but few know what it is. If you say you are a kinesiologist it could mean you do or practice any aspect of a range of techniques or methods in treating a wide range of ailments.


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