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Life coaching in the privacy of your own home



Marisa-Garau-913Life coaching in the privacy of your own home

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or just a bit down and could do with some empowering advice from an experienced life coach, try a session with Marisa Garau. Marisa is of Dutch-Sardinian descent and has lived in Mangawhai since 2007.
A mindfulness expert and author, she now launches a unique new service: life coaching via email based on her no-nonsense mindfulness approach.

“After authoring two internationally published bestsellers on mindfulness I started my online platform growingmindfulness.com to promote meditation-free mindfulness,” says Marisa. “I call it Mindfulness without the ‘woo woo’. My audience is not into weirdy-beardy stuff, but they are eager to learn how to lower their stress levels in a hands-on way.”

Mindfulness changed Marisa’s life for the better after she had suffered depression and burnout, which forced her to quit her successful ad agency in Amsterdam. It helped her escape the rat race, move to Mangawhai with husband and cats, and enjoy the gentler pace of life.

Marisa’s approach to life coaching based on down-to-earth mindfulness principles is more sustainable because:

 Writing about stress triggers gives insights that you don’t have when you talk to a life coach.
 You understand and absorb written advice much better.
 You can always re-read the advice and exercises.
 It’s so effective that you only need a few sessions to feel remarkably calmer, more patient and more focussed, which is not only better for you but also for your partner and children.

Marisa – who has followed intensive mindfulness and psychology programmes around the world while reading a library worth of books on mindfulness, Buddhism and psychology – points out another important advantage of email coaching: “I’m coaching you from the privacy of your own home and in your own time. With email coaching you don’t have to explain to your colleagues why you’re leaving work. You can keep your private issues to yourself. There is no need to schedule, no need to plan, and no need to tell others. Coaching via email is stress-free and incredibly beneficial.”

 Interested in Marisa’s life coaching? Simply book a single session and see if it works for you. See growingmindfulness.com/pc for more info and client reviews, or contact Marisa at marisa@growingmindfulness.com

Mindfulness changed Marisa Garau’s life for the better after she had suffered depression and burnout.

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