Kaipara residents invited to join Peoples PanelDo you want to make a difference and have your opinion heard when Kaipara District Council is planning ahead, proposing changes or making decisions?
The Kaipara District Council People’s Panel is looking for those who want to have a say on issues and be a sounding board for future plans, policies, innovative new services and service improvements. Jason Marris, General Manager Governance, Strategy & Democracy says the People’s Panel gives all those who live, work and play in Kaipara an opportunity to provide feedback on the things that are important to them. “We want to know what the people of Kaipara think about our services, policies and plans, and to hear new ideas about how we can continue on our journey of growing Kaipara together.” Joining the People’s Panel is easy. Simply log on to, complete your details and you will be invited to complete your first survey or feedback form. Participants will be asked to provide feedback on a number of varied surveys across the year. In return, results and feedback will be shared so residents can see how their views are impacting and shaping council policies, plans and services. “A part of our brighter future is the Kaipara District People’s Panel which is a new initiative for your voice to be heard better by council,” says Kaipara district mayor Dr Jason Smith. “I found examples of this down country and am delighted to introduce it to the north. The more of us who join the People’s Panel the better it will be. I’m hoping for at least 1000 members from across Kaipara; together let’s make it another exceptional forward step in a season of exceptional events for Kaipara.” |