Sunshine and fun turned up for school eventBY JULIA WADE
Under a warm, spring sunshine all the fun of the fair was on offer at Mangawhai Beach School’s [MBS] recent Agricultural and Gala Day. The annual event, held on every Labour Weekend, proved brighter than past years, adding to the festive atmosphere as gala-goers wandered among a range of stalls including second hand treasures, quick-fire raffles, edible baked artwork, displays by environmental groups and demonstrations of fire danger and CPR by the local fire brigade and St John. Smashing plates, popping balloons, bouncy castles, the wet sponge throw and taking on the challenge of the climbing tower were enjoyed in particular by the younger crowd, students showed off their diverse colourful artwork and budding young farmers paraded their well-cared-for pet lambs with one even dressed in a tutu! A range of musical talent entertained the crowd with solo and group singing acts, a six-piece student band and the local ukulele group, Totally Uked. Keeping with tradition, MBS’s Kapa Haka brought the day to a rousing close. The gala is the schools largest fundraiser for the year involving over 100 volunteers, taking six months to organise and is supported by a wide range of local sponsors. MBS principal Aaron Kemp says although he does not know the final tally yet of funds raised, he believes it will be around $25,000, with the money targeted for the school’s gymnasium upgrade. “It was a fantastic day. It was great to have so much staff and parent support which made it a real community event,” he says. “We had a huge turnout from the local and wider community and thank you everyone who supported us with sponsorship, by buying items, participating in activities and having fun on the day.” |