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District ag days still popular with country kids





7 Nov, 2022


thumbnail 21 MF-MBSAgday copy-190Raising and caring for farm animals is an enjoyable and educational pastime for living in the country, and rural children particularly appear to have an affinity with their furry and feathered friends, as seen at recent local school show days.

Students of both Tomarata and Mangawhai primary schools had a chance to show off their care and training of their favoured farm animals from lambs to calves and chickens at their respective Ag Days.

Tomarata School teacher Andie McGuinness says their annual spring event is considered to be one of the biggest of the school year, a great family day with the quintessential  activities including showcasing student creativity with vegetable creatures and flower saucers, refreshments and field games such as tug-of-war.

It is also an excellent opportunity, she says, for students to show their care of young animals, raised by the children before being put through a range of trials and judged in three categories – calling, leading and rearing – with ribbons awarded for the top performers.

“Rearing your own animal is a very special job and a close bond can develop between animal and child,” Andie says. “Our children learn valuable life skills through raising a lamb or calf and the Ag Day process, such as caring, nurturing, animal health and welfare, responsibility and leadership.”

Mangawhai Beach School [MBS] also had an excellent Ag Day on October 20, teacher Abby Meagher says.

“We had six calves, 16 lambs and 10 chickens on show… it’s a big time and financial commitment, however children learn so many fantastic skills and memories they will keep for a lifetime. Congratulations to all our participants and for parents who commit to having their families be a part of this important and satisfying event.”


Mangawhai Beach School’s Kacey Barnes (8) with calf ‘BBQ Pringle’, overall champion calf winner Georgia Barnes (12) with ‘Moon Baby’, Nalu Dal Bello (8) with lamb ‘Pearl’, Pippa Meagher (12) with ‘Cookie’, and Kade Meagher (9) with calf ‘Thunder’.



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Tomarata School students Eva Kerrisk (8), Oliver Flexman (8), and Orla Bowens (6) with their ribbon-winning lambs. PHOTOS/ALL SUPPLIED


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Six-year-old Tahlia Witheford, Tomarata School.

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Tomarata’s Beau Trotter (5) with a special friend.


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Lincoln Seward (8) from MBS won the overall chicken champion with his hen ‘Cheeper’.


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Sami Orton (8) with ‘Ashes’ the overall MBS lamb champion.


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