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Mangawhai combined Rebus Club: Museum happenings; watch that posture



Associated with both the Mangawhai Museum and Rebus, Christine Bygrave delivered an informative address on the establishment, administration and future direction of the Museum to those who braved the weather and attended the July meeting of Rebus.

Acknowledged was that the Museum belongs to the community. The appointment of a Manager together with the continued support of many volunteers, has seen stories recorded, archives stored, history written and published, and various displays set up.

A current exhibition titled ‘Bringing the World Closer’ is designed to fascinate visitors with information and displays ranging from morse coders to the fibre cable from North America scheduled to be laid in NZ during November/December this year – a cable that will come ashore at Mangawhai Heads.

The various exhibitions, craft workshops, fairs, boutique markets, handmade gift cards, and the cafe are all designed to attract visitors and income.

Christine was grateful to have the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Museum and mentioned that the website had been updated and would now allow online bookings for upcoming events.

Members all adjusted their sitting postures as second speaker, Clair McEntegart of Mangawhai Physiotherapy, took over the microphone. Following a short introduction on her professional background, Clair produced a model of the human spine and proceeded to inform and advise on recommended exercises to help prevent and alleviate physical discomfort.

Staying active and engaged, exercising to give mental clarity and improve circulation, watching for weight gain, awareness of posture (sitting and walking) were commented on as well as the benefits of deep breathing and the use of exercycles.

It was with smiles that members participated in a couple of movements to test balance and posture.

Mangawhai Physiotherapy operates from two clinics in Mangawhai (North Street and Insley Street). In addition to consultations, the Insley Street clinic holds classes in lower and upper limb exercises, as well as clinical pilates.

n Want to know more about Mangawhai Combined Rebus Club? Meet every third Thursday of the month, 2pm, in the Senior Citizens’ Hall, Fagan Place, Mangawhai Heads. Visitors welcome. Contact Gaylene Lawrence 431 5617 or Beve Smith 431 5777 for more details.

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