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Mayors Memo



05 May, 2023



Plenty happening around the Council table. A Notice of Motion raised by Deputy Mayor Larsen to investigate options for a waste-to-energy plant was supported by Council. I am looking forward to hearing more on this, when staff will present their findings to a future workshop.

Last month I spoke about work Elected Members had done on a new vision and community outcomes for Kaipara. I am pleased to say they were unanimously agreed on at last month’s meeting, preparing for a new Long Term Plan for 2024/2034.

Elected members often express different viewpoints but we were united in a strong vision with Kaipara – the place to be! and the goals we are striving towards as your representatives. Prosperous economy, affordable living, dependable roading, vibrant communities and a healthy environment are where we will set our focus. Read more about each on the Council website.

Elected Members and Council staff will be at three markets across the next month. This is your chance to meet and talk with Elected Members, and give us some early feedback to feed into the Long Term Plan for 2024/2034.

Please join us at:

· Mangawhai Community Market, Saturday 20 May.

· Paparoa Farmers Market, Saturday 27 May.

· Dargaville Community Market, Kaipara Community Centre, Saturday 3 June.

Council staff continue work on the Annual Plan for the forthcoming financial year beginning 1 July 2023. We’ve directed staff to focus on completing emergency works required as a result of the extreme weather events, particularly for our roads and other infrastructure. Recently we approved financial statements that signal a projected average general rates rise of 4.98 percent. This is currently one of the lowest projected rates rises in the country.

On a final note, when Elected Members join Council, we pledge to make decisions and act in the best interests of the entire Kaipara community. That is what we do. Many of our decisions apply to the entire district, such as the recent reduction in berm mowing services to manage costs. We also have specific projects for certain communities, based on need and growth – balanced across all parts of the district. There is no doubt we have challenges to meet. I embrace the goodwill and willingness to work together shown across all the Kaipara District – east, west, and everywhere in between – the place to be.


Craig Jepson

Kaipara District Mayor

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