Climate change and Count Us InSTEVE GREEN Let’s get down to business. Climate change is real, it’s here, it’s now and what we do matters. People all over the world are taking practical steps to protect what they love from climate change before it’s too late. Climate change is all about us and our lifestyles. Yes, the government is in the process of implementing policies to ensure that New Zealand be-comes ‘carbon neutral’ by 2050, however the bulk of the nasty emissions rising into the at-mosphere are directly attributed to each of us. How we live in our homes, how we get around, and what we eat all have the po-tential to contribute to our collective emissions. In the words of my famous father, “If things don’t change, they will stay as they are”. It’s time to change. So where are you on the climate change scale? At one end we have the Trumpian hor-ror of believing that the whole issue is a hoax, US taxpayers should continue giving US$20 billion annually to subsidise the oil and coal industries, and supporting fossil fuel exploration in national parks in preference to investing a dime in renewable energy. At the other end we have the amazing Greta ‘how dare you’ Thunberg protest-ing on the steps of the Swedish Beehive and motivating the world’s younger generation to take a lead in eradicating this crisis. I would hope that this article will encourage you to take a step or two towards the Greta and away from the Donald.If you are interested in making a positive contribution DO IT NOW, and to make it incredibly easy and enjoyable I totally recommend one superb and easy-to-use website. It’s called Count Us In, a global project, secure, totally free, and promotes 16 steps that are the most effective way to reduce your carbon pollution and persuade others to do the same. It’s easy to feel over-whelmed. To not know where to begin, or what changes really make a difference. These 16 steps have been selected with experts from the UN Environ-ment Programme based on three criteria: their impact on your personal carbon pollution, their power to influence leaders, and their ability to involve everyone. The rationale and importance of each step is provided. Go to their website,, register with your email address, and select one or more of the steps to try out over the next two months. You will subsequently be invited to record how things went, to select additional steps, and to see what savings you have achieved. Simple and effective.Count Us In has the goal of enrolling one billion global citizens. Together we can make a huge impact. Some of the steps may be beyond your reach. Some you may already be doing. Some you can start immediately and potentially save considerable dosh. The website is easy to use, free, and gives you the scope to see just how much pollution you are reducing by taking the steps that you nominate. Check it out. In future articles I will be talking more about many of these steps and the benefits of taking them. Also there are many additional steps beyond the 16 nominated on These will also be covered.I hear you say “Steve talks the talk, but does he walk the walk”? Good point! I invite you to email me and it will be a pleasure to tell you where I am on the Trump-Thunberg scale, how many of the 16 steps I have taken, and to answer any questions that you may have. Check it out. Count Us In is an incredibly easy way to make progress on reducing those nasty emissions destined for our atmosphere. Take pride in undertaking your steps. Each step should benefit you, your family, community, country and the whole planet. As I said at the top of this article, climate change is real, it’s here, it’s now. and what we do matters! Steve Green, Mangawhai’s ‘computer chap’, has been retired here for 12 years having previously lived and worked in London, New York and Auckland. He welcomes your feedback at if you have any climate questions, recommendations or concerns to raise. |