Letters to the EditorTara Iti attraction I note my mate Ed Nathan is unhappy with Tara Iti. Ed I am sure you can sort out the tribal implications. I know that Tara Iti is a great addition to the Mangawhai area, as it attracts golfers from all over the world, gives employment to many locals, and adds much money to local business. In time, together with our lovely Mangawhai course, we will become a destination like Queenstown with many more visiting golfers coming to see us at Mangawhai. John Barber Mangawhai Road to failure Associate Minister of Education, Kelvin Davis, seems to think that the road to success for part-Maori children is to have them become more Maori, apparently unaware that we now live in a multi-national and inclusive society. There is a serious flaw in his reasoning, and that lies in overlooking the fact that present day part-Maori kids are no different from any other kids. Mr Davis states that we need to "ensure that all of our children are supported and comfortable at school to be successful”. If he really means all of our children then perhaps he should consider a child who is naturally non-aggressive being coerced into making threatening gestures towards others, as in the kapa haka. Would that child feel comfortable? There are so many different cultures in NZ that we must meld into one that is shared by all. Accentuating only the Maori element of part-Maori children sets them apart from others, not as equals. Let them embrace their full ancestry and in doing so teach them that denying a major part of their heritage does not change reality. Schools are intended for learning the knowledge necessary to survive in a modern world, regardless of race or ancestry, whereas culture is something that should be engendered in the home. Unfortunately, Mr Davis, your proposed intention of imposing additional cultural indoctrination is a road leading to failure. The divisive educational policies that you espouse is only handicapping children, not helping them. School is for education, home is for culture. Mitch Morgan Kaipara |