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Meth checks advised for Mangawhai rentals


Police are urging Mangawhai landlords to obtain a methamphetamine screening test, before renting out their holiday homes to short and long term tenants.

Wellsford Senior Sergeant, Geoff Medland, says Mangawhai has a history of transient meth labs due to the area being a holiday destination with large numbers of bachs for rent.

“Tenants have been known to lease the premises for about 10 days, do a quick bake and then leave the house contaminated,” he says.

Often the existence of a holiday home P lab goes unnoticed until subsequent renters become unwell. Symptoms of exposure from second-hand meth include headaches, coughing, dizziness, nausea and breathing difficulties.

“I’ve had a lot of frustrated landlords ask ‘why can’t you deal with this?’ but often police hands are tied,” Medland says. “Gaining evidence is difficult as proving when the P lab was operating and by which tenant, often comes down to heresay, between the renter and the home owner.”

Obtaining a meth screening test before renting a property assures landlords their home is clean before a tenant moves in and will provide evidence if the house is tested positive after the occupant has left. Knowing the house has been tested, may also act as a deterrent for the illegal activity. Having a P alarm installed will also give extra assurance.

Meth screening can cost upwards of $200, however Sergeant Medland says it is a cheaper alternative to the price of decontaminating and restoring an affected home.

“Meth gets into all various levels of a house, you need to re-gib the walls, get new carpet, curtains and new fittings and furniture. In the case of elderly landlords who may have three holiday homes as a source of retirement, having a P lab takes away that income.”

Medland also advises landlords to check insurance policies as not all rental insurance covers methamphetamine damage.

Neighbours and residents can help with the problem by being aware of unusual and out-of-place occurrences including strong chemical smells, constant running water, drawn curtains during the day and excessive security around the house.

“If the people residing in the home generally look unwell, seem to act in an irrational manner, fidget and scratch a lot and appear wired, it is possible that a meth lab is under operation.”

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