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Computer problem solver has big following


Steve Green 2015-535It’s been nine months since Steve Green launched The Computer Chap service, and he is pleased to report that it has been incredibly well received throughout the Mangawhai community.

To date Steve has undertaken 180 house calls, met many amazing people, and fielded a vast range of questions and requirements.

Typical house calls involve solving software problems, setting up new Windows and tablet computers, getting Wi-Fi and printers commissioned, and tons of general problem solving, guidance, and teaching.

Dealing with viruses, finding information on google, and getting emails to work properly are frequent situations that need sorting out.

Many have also sought assistance in determining what computers and smartphones to purchase.

“I suspect that I have saved some folks tons of money,” says Steve. “On the odd occasion that the hardware is in need of repair, I have referred them to Richard and his team at Computer Plus, and have loaned out my spare notebook PC in the interim.

“I have found providing this service both enjoyable and stimulating, and so far have only had two occasions where I have been unable to provide suitable assistance,” he adds.

The hospitality that he has been afforded has been wonderful and an added bonus in having made many new friends.

“Interestingly many are somewhat ‘uncomfortable’ with the service being free – but it is – and perhaps surprisingly for Mangawhai and this being the age of technology, the demand has been right across the age spectrum.”

Steve’s service has also been in demand over the hill at Langs Beach and also in Kaiwaka.

“This has been a super year for me,” says Steve. “Being ‘the computer chap’ has made a huge and positive impact. I appreciated the plug that Jo Roberts gave me in the Focus as the program would not have got off the ground without community publicity and she has become one of my favourite customers.”

Steve suspects that Windows10 will keep him somewhat busy over the coming months as users update and become familiar with the new system but offers many thanks for their support over the past nine months for a necessary service in this fast moving age of technology and communication.


HOUSE CALLS: Steve Green is in big demand with his free tech service.

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