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Mangawhai Golf Club results


Saturday Men, March 8
Haggle stbfd, Div 1: Peter Smith 39, Dav-id Graham 38, Allan Madigan 37, Wayne Watts 37, Iain Butler 37, Terry Brown 36, George Gardiner 36.

Div 2: Ray Crawshaw 47, Keith Lawson 40, Ed Nathan 40, Jim Clark 39, Frank Silby 39, Wallace Green 38, Warren Partington 38, Brian Browne 38. Holes in 2: Des Chitty, Ray Crawshaw, Ross Richardson.

Midweek Haggle, March 12
Carol Lett 34, Wilma Van De Elzen 34, Ann Dowson 34, Sheila Gough 33,Jenni-Goodin 32, Barbara Partington 32.

Glyn Smalldon 41, Kevin Eddington 39, Jeff Bryant 39, Ernest Hurley 38, Luciano Canestri 38, Neil Wilson 38, Peter South-ee 38, Peter Meredith 37, Jeff Field 37, Brian Browne 36, George Cibulskis 36, Neil Tonks 36, Mark Briggs 35. Holes in 2: David Lett, Peter Meredith,

Warren Partington,Neil Wilson.

St Patrick’s Day
Combined Irish Stableford: Carol Ri-chardson, Larry Renner, Grant McDer-mott221; Gerry Richardson, John Furnell, Jonathon Mills203; Joyce Newman, Des Chitty, Nevis McDougall194; Maureen Taylor, Geoff Finlay, Ben Giles193; Bridget Meredith, Luciano Canestri, Paul Alexander188; Diane Alexander, Erica Canestri, Peter Meredith 168;Jonathon Mills, Ross Richardson, Bruce Steele168; Dick Pardy, Tony Bai, Jeff Garrett166; Lyn Bishop, Nancy Teale, Bill Galbraith166; Barbara Chitty, Amelia Mettam, Maureen Taylor159; Diane Moir, Ray Crawshaw, Ian Dunlop158.

Hole in 2: Tony Bai.

Tuesday Ladie's Tee Up Day, March 18

Ann Dowson 39, Patricia Jones 37, Barbara Chitty 36, Gillian Browne 35,Els Van Delden 35.

Holes in 2: Els Van Delden.

Saturday Ladies, Vets & Patrons Putting, March 22

Haggle Nett: Anne Gentry 75, Sheila Gough 77. Congratulations to Anne Gen-try who had a hole in one on the 6th.

Tuesday Ladies, Vets & Patrons Putting, March 25

Haggle Putting: Sue Cox 28, Patricia Jones 30, Diane Dunlop 31, Heather Hay-nes 32, Sheila Gough 33,Els Van Delden 33, Diane Alexander 33, Lyn Bishop 33, Gillian Browne 34, Anthea Searchfield 34.

Midweek Haggle, March 26
Eileen Hutchinson 36, Sandra Paine 34, Wilma Van De Elzen 33, Bridget Me-redith 32, Barbara Partington 32, Bar-bara Chitty 32, Diane Alexander 31, Joyce Newman 31.

Chas Routen 40, Glyn Smalldon 39, Er-nest Hurley 38, Mark Bygrave 35, Brian Browne 35, Graeme Everett 35, Jeff Bry-ant 35, Frank Silby 35, Jack Garrett 34, Des Chitty 34, David Lett 34. Holes in 2: Diane Alexander & Bridget Meredith.
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