Bundles of books and a baffling boxMangawhai Museum’s Easter Book Fair has become a much anticipated event, and it was no surprise that business was brisk again this year.
The choice on display was better than ever and it took a large number of volun-teers, and a lot of time to unpack, sort and display the books ready for sale so the $11,00 raised was just reward for effort. “A huge thank you goes to Graeme and Querida Smith, and all volunteers who helped make this fundraiser a success,” says museum manager Emma Gray. “Everybody plays a part, not least all those people who so generously donate books.” This year it was not possible to hold the event inside now that the museum is open and operating, so three marquees were erected outside instead. Jessie’s Cafe provided a welcome respite for those in need of a break from book brows-ing and the mainly volunteer staff were kept on their toes dealing with the rush. One “donation" found amongst the books was possibly a mistake that is caus-ing puzzlement in one household. If you are the owner of this carved wooden box and are wondering where it is then your mystery is solved. The box is just hand-sized, as shown by the photo, and delicately adorned but bears no trademarks or other identification. It was found amongst the donations and can be collected at the museum. Before they part with it however you will need to be able to tell them what is inside. If you missed the book fair then you haven’t missed out entirely – another is be-ing held on Labour Weekend. |