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Crime spree spoils special day


What was expected to be a day to remember for Megan and Steve Hale turned out to be just that – but for all the wrong reasons.

Megan and Steve were renewing their wedding vows at a special occasion at Tara Lodge. The day went swimmimgly.

Later they returned to their home along with friends, family and invited guests. However, in the evening a trio of teenagers invaded the party, uninvited, and caused what could only be described as mayhem.

They slashed ten tyres on four vehicles plus other damage, stole alcohol, broke a table and stole a handbag containing a wallet and other valuable items.

“They came onto our property right under our noses… they damaged property but worst of all was the invasion, walking right into the bedroom where my brother and sister-in-law were in bed!” said an obviously upset Megan.

“They have caused so much hurt, pain, inconvenience plus loads of extra work with police and insurance companies, all while we should have been enjoying our family celebration on our special weekend. We just felt violated in our own home.”

A report from Constable Dale Wewege of Mangawhai Police confirmed two 15-year-old boys and a 15-year-old girl from Wellsford were visiting a friend in Mangawhai for the night.

They started drinking alcohol and later on in the night left the address of their friend and went to the Hale’s property.

The three youths were not known to the people at the wedding and had no permission to be there.

Police have identified all three youths and are in the process of interviewing them along with their parents and they will be dealt with by the youth justice system.

The wallet has been recovered and handed back to the owner. “

“What was further disappointing,” continued Megan, “was that two of these young people had also been selected to represent their school and clubs at special events and are simply destroying any trust put in them.

“Ideally we would like to see these offenders named and shamed and hopefully deter these scum bags from trying something like this again in our beautiful town where we all stick up for each other and look after one another. We need to stand up to this behaviour!”

We expect to be updated with what happens through the youth justice system.

n Do you have a crime or incident story to tell? Let us know. Contact the editor at info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz

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