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Did You Know.......


Village plan for retirees
"What we really need in Mangawhai is somewhere for our independent older folk to live so that they don't have to move away from the area." How often have you heard that opinion being voiced? Harbourlife, a new development currently awaiting planning approval, could well be the answer for some. On a large block of flat land near the end of Moir St by the tavern, developer John White says he plans to build 25 two bedroom 'own your own' homes, set in clusters of five, within a gated subdivision with shared, park-like grounds. If permission is granted, John plans to minimise disruption and disturbance to the land so close to the estuary by having the homes constructed off-site in Mangawhai, then transported fully completed, to Harbourlife. He says since first advertising his plans, interest has been staggeringly high, and if all goes well, work could be underway by the end of the year. John White can be contacted via email to answer your queries: jw@harbourliving.co.nz

Music night features The Eagles
Alert for Eagles fans! Kaiwaka Community Cinema is hosting their first music night and supper on Friday May 1 with a screening of The Eagles Live in Melbourne – two hours of all their classics in HD on a 7-metre movie screen, with 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound (1200 watts plus a 1000 watt subwoofer). How good is that! Supper and space for dancing – what more could fans want? Tickets just $20, but you will need to book on 431 2225 or 431 2234.

Book Fair needs new location
One of the most popular annual fundraising events is the museum Book Fair. Over the Easter weekend $11,000 was raised, a rewarding sum for the many volunteers who put in long hours sorting books. Now that the museum is operating, a new venue needs to be found as using three small marquees proved somewhat difficult! Organiser Graeme Smith says the team is working on a solution for next year, and he would like to sincerely thank all those who assisted this time by erecting and taking down the tents, and those who have spent the best part of a year preparing books for sale.

Fish & Chip fundraiser
Northhaven Hospice annual Fish & Chip luncheon is on Monday 11 May, 12 noon at The Club. This event is your chance to support the work of this organisation, meet up with friends, and have a jolly good time. There will be entertainment, raffles, door prize, and great food! Tickets are $15, available from Books & Gifts in Wood St, or Bammas in the village. Contact Sheila Smith for more details, nannysheila99@gmail.com.

n Kaiwaka Community Cinema: Boyhood, Friday May 15, 7.30pm.

n Seniornet courses available. Contact Tony Cox 431 2269 or Val 4314 042.

n Spotted, painted on the floor of Speights Ale House in Greymouth: 'In colonising, the French commence with a fort, the Spaniards with a church, the English with a grog shop.'

n Totally Uked, the local ukulele group, meet Friday afternoons, 1pm, in the Domain pavilion.

Local lifeguards to the rescue
Interesting to read a provisional report on the busy season for lifeguards here at Mangawhai Heads. The volunteer surf lifeguard service worked 3350 hours over the summer, with 44 rescues, compared with 17 last season, plus 49 first aid responses, up from 23 the previous season. Patrols will begin again at Labour Weekend.

Beach clean-up needs volunteers
Mark Saturday May 16 in your diary now, and be ready at 3pm for a volunteer community beach clean-up. All equipment will be provided – just be at the Heads carpark by 3pm with as many happy friends and family members as you can muster, and join in this community activity. As a 'thank you' organisers are hosting an art exhibition (with an ocean theme of course!) in the village library Hall from 5.30pm. And at 7pm, they'll be showing a surf film on a big screen – all free, but a donation would be appreciated. If you'd like more information, contact Craig Freeman 021 262 6178.
Christine Bygrave-523Life membership for Christine
Mangawhai Museum & Historical Society chairman Christine Bygrave (pictured addressing the crowd at the Mangawhai Museum opening in December) has been awarded honorary life membership at the recent AGM. Christine has led the society for several years through the construction of the museum and is currently chairman of the board. To date, the museum cost is $1.7 million, but has been valued at $2.9 million for insurance, which shows just how much volunteer input goes into the operation. From May to October, the Exhibition Room will host a special display, 'War Comes to Mangawhai', which will include additional material, a scale model of the Niagra, Mangawhai Home Guard stories, along with a 250kg German mine on loan from the Devonport Naval Museum.

News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711 or email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz
Out and about in Mangawhai with Jo Roberts
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