MP supports current flagNew Northland MP Winston Peters is support-ing the Returned Services Association’s ‘fight for the flag’ call.
“New Zealand First backs the RSA’s call for the first referendum to simply ask ‘Do you want to change the flag?’ says Mr Peters. “If the majority say ‘no’ then that should be it. We challenge all other Members of Parliament to publicly declare if they will back the RSA’s call.” Mr Peters says New Zealand First is the only Party not participating in the Prime Minister’s leg-acy project, the submissions on which closed on 23 April, or just before the Centennial of Anzac Day. “The idea of two referendums is not common sense when $26 million would be better spent re-instating the Gisborne-Napier rail line, double lan-ing any number of one-way bridges in Northland or funding most of the first year of three free GP visits for over 65s. “Kiwis fought, died and were buried under this flag. That has to count for something since there are some things that are beyond politics – and our flag is one of them.” |