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Screen stars for Mangawhai fundraiser


casino-118It may be a case of ‘will the real James Bond please stand up’ as locals gather in costume for the fundraiser of the year on behalf of the Mangawhai Activity Zone Charitable Trust.

The local community is largely funding the Mangawhai Activity Zone (MAZ), and it is set to be possibly the best recreational facility in the Southern hemisphere.

It includes an international standard skate park, bike and walking tracks, netball courts, and an outside amphitheatre for concerts.

The 2015 Casino Royale Dinner and Auction is being held on June 20 in Mangawhai.

This will be an annual upmarket dinner for 200 people with auctions and casino type games.

Hellers promo man, and now local resident, Leigh Hart will be MC with the aim of raising $20,000 to move ahead with the next stage of development – that of the family picnic and BBQ area.

Organisers are seeking donations for prizes and auction items and this is a great way for local businesses to support a great community activity like MAZ as well as raising their local profile.

“We have already had great support and it is so good to see the community coming together on this project,” says organiser Jo Lee. “If there is anything you think your business could donate for the auction, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.”

Sponsorship packages with branding and advertising opportunities will be available.

Sponsors will feature in the auction catalogue and on the website, plus announce their support in front of all guests at the event itself.

MAZ opening Aug 2011-181Bronze sponsorship starts at $200 with a named plaque in the park; Silver sponsorship at $500 gives a sculpture with a plaque; and Gold sponsorship at $1500 secures a beautiful named park bench.

Jo is a recent arrival to Mangawhai herself.

“With two young children of my own, like most parents here in Mangawhai, I am at the Zone at least a couple of times every week for one activity or another so we wanted to help with raising money to finish the plans sooner rather than later.

“With the funds raised through this event we hope to be able to build a picnic and gas bbq area where local families can come together and enjoy the facilities even more.”

So, if you fancy yourself as a James Bond or a Miss Moneypenny, you had better brush up on your Texas Hold’em technique. n For more information contact Jo Lee, 0272 823 960, email HobsonLeeHR@gmail.com visit mangawhaiactivityzone.co.nz.


FUNDS NEEDED: From humble beginnings, like the skate bowl opening in 2011, MAZ is growing into a world-class recreation area.

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