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Busy times for fire brigade

fireApril has proved a busy month for members of the Managawhai Volunteer Fire brigade. Easter weekend only added to the brigades' workload with a change in the fire seasons from prohibited to open.

The opportunity for residents to light up rubbish and scrub fires was not missed said brigade Officer in Charge Mike McEnaney.

“Fires in the open increased on the weekend with the brigade attending five calls. This was on top of an already busy month of other fire and rescue incidents.” 

The three fires seasons that residents and home and landowners should be aware of are: 

Open: No fire permit is needed to light a fire in the open air.

Restricted: A fire permit is required to light a fire in the open air.

Prohibited: A ban on the lighting of any fires in the open air.

At present, and until further notice from Kaipara District Council, it remains as an open fire season Mike said. 

Even though it is an open fire season you need to be well aware of the cost implications on a fire that gets out of control and the nuisance value which is often created around surrounding properties. 

Mike said the brigade has had a significant increase in training requirements with all brigade members undertaking command and control and responsibilities at a number of full-on sessions with a fire simulator mobile command unit from Wellington. 

He emphasised this was a great opportunity to allow members some real exposure to the demands of incident command training of this type which can only benefit the community.


Calls attended over the last few weeks show the diverse range of incidents the brigade has had to handle.

Mar 15  Te Arai, storm power lines

Mar 15  Mangawhai, storm tree down

Mar 18  Mangawhai, fire
Mar 21  Mangawhai, fire

Mar 21  Mangawhai, car rolled

Mar 31  Mangawhai, rubbish fire

Apr 5  Wharehine, scrub fire assist

Apr 8  Mangawhai, chopper med rescue

Apr 10  Mangawhai, 4m fall med assist

Apr 17  Mangawhai, tree blocks road

Apr 20  Mangawhai, rubbish fire

Apr 20  Mangawhai, party fire

Apr 21  Mangawhai, fire

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