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Mangawhai Artists Easter Members' Exhibition will feature 2D and 3D works



27 Mar, 2023


thumbnail New member Debbie Nancekivell will be exhibiting at the Easter Exhibition copy-865At 6pm on Thursday March 30 the Mangawhai Artists Gallery hosts the opening of the annual Easter members’ exhibition where a selection of its more than 180 members has the opportunity to exhibit work. This year more than 28 artists are showing work, with over a third of those being new members.

“Over the last year the membership of Mangawhai Artists has grown by almost a third with more than 50 new members joining. We are looking forward to seeing work contributed by both new and long-standing members at the forthcoming exhibition,” says Belinda Vernon, chair of Mangawhai Artists.

“The exhibition will cover a range of 2D and 3D work. 2D work will span acrylic, oil, watercolour and aquawash print, while 3D work will include ceramics, mosaics, cement sculpture and lead drippings.

“Cement sculpture has recently been the subject of one of the workshops offered through Mangawhai Artists. It’s exciting to see this work now being exhibited.”

The exhibitthumbnail New member Anu Mangat will be exhibiting copy-873ion will include several artists who have recently hosted exhibitions at the gallery. The gallery hosts new exhibitions every fortnight, ensuring regular visitors enjoy a constantly refreshed exhibition space. Kay Airey, Femke Koome, Rebecca Barclay-Clist, Rosina Kamphuis, Rachel Moore, Sheryl Jury, Lena Nelson, Michelle Fyson and Nick Blake have each exhibited in the last year.

Several artists in the Easter exhibition have exhibitions coming up over the next couple of months, including Raewyn Vague, Rowan Christopherson (L.V Martin) and Edie Chappell. In addition, several artists exhibited in the recent Mangawhai Art Trail including Howard Esler, Kay Airey, Steve Marsh, Lynley Bradnam and Wayne Whyte.

“The Easter exhibition is an opportunity for those who missed out on the Art Trail (which took place on the weekend of the devastating Kaiwaka/Mangawhai extreme downpour) to see work by those same artists, including Howard Esler (in Devich Road) and Lynley Bradnam (in Kaiwaka) who were isolated by bridge and road closures,” says Belinda.

“Howard Esler will be exhibiting work from his lead dripping series, Lynley specialises in portraits and Wayne Whyte’s Corten steel garden sculptures are always popular.

Kay Airey and Lena Nelson work in ceramics and have recently led two workshops sharing their skills. Both are exhibiting in the Easter Exhibition. Those who know the work of Steve Marsh will also not want to miss the opportunity to see his craftsmanship.”

Jocelyn Friis is one of the artists with work on display in the reception area of the Mangawhai office of Kaipara District Council.

New member artists exhibiting for the first time include Anu Mangat, Ash Ellis, Desmond Burdon, Raewyn Torrie, and Debbie Nancekivell.

Accomplished artists Barbara Thomas, Susan Taylor, Tom Nordmeier, Nina Gastreich, Sue Fitzgerald, Jess Holdaway, Gayle Forster return to the gallery to share their work.

“With the gallery’s changing exhibitions introducing the Mangawhai community to new artists on a fortnightly rotation, we know that people have developed their favourites. This is the chance to pick up a piece of work from your favourite artist – or from one you have yet to discover”

n MAI Easter Members’ Exhibition opens 6pm Thursday March 30 at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, 45 Moir Street, then open daily 10am to 3pm until midday Wednesday April 12.


Anu Mangat, new to the Mangawhai Artists group, will be exhibiting. PHOTO/SUPPLIED


New member Debbie Nancekivell will be exhibiting at the Easter exhibition. PHOTO/SUPPLIED

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