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Letters to the Editor


Community stiched up
Dear Mr Robertson and Mr Sabin: One of the reasons touted by both of you for the Local Bill approach was that it would be the very best way to let the community have a say about the issues. You both said that the select committee would come to the district and hold hearings here.

It now transpires that the committee will spend one day in the district listening to the public’s views and it will do that only in Maungaturoto. I have no doubt that both of you will say that that gives everyone in the district every opportunity to have their say, but I and hundreds, if not thousands, of others will take the view that this is what you intended all along and you are stitching this community up with a degree of cynicism that is surprising, even after everything we have seen you do to date.

If you are inclined to respond, please don’t trot out the line that you don’t make the select committee’s decisions.

Thank you once again for your total and utter lack of transparency and community focus.
Bruce Rogan
Dream or nightmare?
I was rather disturbed in reading the article in the focus of August 5. The writer made it sound like this golf course that the Kayne’s wish to develop on the Te Arai dunes is going to have a wonderfully positive impact on this community, economically, socially, environmentally, with great employment opportunities, and not to mention their deep, heart-felt concern for the fairy terns that nest right next to this development.

Let’s put this in rightful perspective. For weeks now, the smoke from the fires that have been burning on the dunes, pouring not only white smoke from pine tree burning, but black toxic smoke from other stuff that these extremely conservation minded folks have been burning in close proximity of the fairy terns nesting spots! They have established green grassy ‘holes’ already, and they still have not been given permission to draw water from the aquifer that nobody has proven will sustain the water quantities that this development will require over time without negatively affecting locals who need such water for their livelihood. 

They are racing on full speed as if they have been guaranteed the permission from all authorities concerned to actually bring into reality this grandiose dream. That smells of audaciousness the likes of which I have rarely witnessed. Such a golf course would be totally worthless to anybody without the necessary structures that will be required to operate it, and to house the millionaire visitors that they plan to entice. But they have never been given any permission to build any structures in the vicinity of this golf course!

How do they expect to protect the fairy terns and dotterels that they love so much from all the people who visit their little paradise who have no clue about such creatures? What about the helipad that they plan to build, and maybe even the air strip for winged aircraft? I am sure the fairy terns and dotterels will love the noise and invasion of their air space once these parts of their dream are fulfilled.

These folks have not become billionaires due to stupidity! They are intelligent people who will do anything to increase their wealth. They are going about this whole thing piecemeal, applying for each aspect of the whole development singularly so as to not alarm the authorities with possibilities of helipads and air strips and residences right on the beach front, and who knows what else. They believe that once they have their precious golf course all pretty and green, the authorities will not dare refuse them the water rights to keep it such. And so it will go on until they get everything they have dreamed of.

The writer of that article sure was a great salesperson, but as the wisest man who ever lived once penned, “The first speech in a court case is always convincing – until the cross-examination starts!” When one begins to look at the reality of what such a development will do to our beautiful beach, and the near extinct wildlife that is hanging onto existence by a thread at this time, one begins to understand just how much it will effect the community in damaging ways.
Colin Stitt
Wiring above board
The Kaipara District Council contacted Mr Graham McKenzie after reading his letter to the editor (Mangawhai Focus, August 5) claiming that a number of grinder pump connections in the Mangawhai area were unsafe and asked him for more information.

Mr McKenzie provided Council with the details of three of the eleven properties in Mangawhai he claimed were wired incorrectly.

We checked our records to confirm that we hold an Electrical Certificate of Compliance (COC) on file for each of the three properties. We also took the added precaution of arranging for an electrical inspector from Northpower, the local network provider, to visit each of the three properties and check the safety of the grinder pump connections.

The inspector was able to confirm in a written report that the connections met the appropriate standards at the time of connection and remained in a safe condition.
Steve Ruru
Chief Executive
Kaipara District Council 
Insurance option makes no sense
My house insurance comes up for renewal next month and the changed terms of reference are a worry. The promotion by Trustlife and Sheddons did nothing to help me.

The insurers set out to have us all establish the full costs involved in rebuilding our homes in case of a total loss and insure for that value, using the services of a registered valuer if we feel the cost of that service is justified. As if this was the only way to go.

I would not rebuild my house if I were burned out. Inevitably my furniture, fittings and personal treasures would be up in smoke and a fresh start would be necessary. In my area and circumstances, building a new home with the amenities and accommodation of the old would be financially silly.

It would cost almost twice as much as the alternative, which is to buy the home next door or down the road for the market value in my neighbourhood, clear and sell the burnt-out section and avoid the extra premiums that are being thrust on us.

I have found no one who will publish this point of view much less tell me where I am wrong.
John O'Neill

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