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Mangawhai Probus - Invitation leads to career

At the recent August Probus meeting, guest speaker Martin Davies was introduced and spoke of his involvement with St John and how he works full time as District Relief. There are 17 stations in Northland, including Mangawhai. He is the manager and there are nine officers at present to fill the roster.

Martin became involved with St John 13 years ago when he was invited to a training night. He is currently undergoing further training and advised they were happy to run first aid courses for groups who requested them. He further explained that patients with a medical condition are required to make a part payment for a call-out but accidents are covered by ACC.

Martin thanked the people who worked in the Op Shop at Mangawhai Village who were raising the money required to build a new station. There is little financial support from Government as St John is a charity and relies heavily on fundraising. It is hoped that the building of the new station will start in the next few months.

Choir sing for their supper
Dennis Newhook was introduced to the Probus Club, along with 17 members of The Local Vocals choir. Dennis is the choir master and has a passion for music, having started playing the piano aged 8 and the cello at 11. He later went on to perform and work in Europe and on his return was excited to join the choir. He is currently learning the skills to be a conductor.

Also speaking was Sally Randall who started the choir. When she came to the area she wanted to continue her love of singing but couldn’t find a choir – so she started The Local Vocals.

Currently there are 115 people on their database and 65 to 75 members turn up each Sunday afternoon for choir practice. They enjoy singing all kinds of music and come from a wide local area. New members are always welcome.

The group will perform in Wellsford September 22.

Next Meeting
Next meeting Thursday September 19. All visitors are welcome, and if you are new to the Mangawhai Community, please join us on the third Thursday of each month, 2pm Senior Citzens Hall, Mangawhai. A great way to make friends. Contact Gaylene Lawrence 431 5617.
- Gaylene Lawrence, Secretary


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