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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



News in Brief

Ruakaka coordinator needed
The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation needs a volunteer area coordinator to help out with its Pink Ribbon Street Appeal in Ruakaka on Friday October 11 and Saturday October 12.
The area coordinator manages a small team of volunteers across the two-day appeal. The NZBCF will supply a detailed briefing, along with a roster of volunteer collectors, street permits and all the materials necessary to run a successful appeal.
“The area coordinator is a vital role – we can’t run our appeal in Ruakaka without one,” said Kim Van Duiven, NZBCF project manager for the appeal. “We’d love to be collecting again this October, but we need help.”
Ideally, one person will take the area coordinator role for both days, but if necessary it can be split across the Friday and the Saturday. Anyone interested in volunteering should call Kim Van Duiven on 0508 105 105.
Local body elections race on
An already divided Kaipara, while not actively involved in electing councillors this time around, is further fragmented by area changes in the election of Northern Regional Council representatives, due to take place on October 12.
All areas though are being hotly contested although there is only one seat in each constituency to be filled.
Nominees for the Kaipara constituency, east of State Highway 1 are Rochelle Butt, Jonathan Larsen, Graeme Ramsey (incumbent), Andrew Wade, and Bill Guest.
The remainder of the Kaipara comprises the Coastal South Constituency which includes Kaiwaka, Mangawhai, Waipu and Bream Bay. Nominees are Craig Brown (incumbent) Deborah Harding and Jan Vaudrey.
We will have an insight into candidates in a future issue of this paper to enable you to make your choice.
Battery thief will be charged
The Kaipara District Council has been advised by Transfield that, in a somewhat daring theft, someone has stolen the battery from the solar unit that powers the street lights at the junction of Molesworth Dr and Sunlea Lane.
This new innovation, though at this point only a trial, attracted considerable interest from other councils for both it’s low environmental impact as well as considerable cost saving so this action is particulary disappointing also given that a special tool was designed to open the battery case.
Local police have been notified and are investigating. 

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