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Mangawhai fire fighters smoulder over building


Earlier in the year the building that has been home to the Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade for many years was ‘red stickered’.

Following a structural and health and safety report, fire brigade members had to vacate the first floor of the Mangawhai fire station in August and move their entire operation to the ground floor.

The area that houses the station’s two fire appliances, a new van purchased with funds from the scrap metal drive and all associated equipment has, over time become woefully inadequate.

There is no question that the building – built in 1965 with three further additions since then – has served them well but firemen are concerned they have had to re-trench without any commitment by authorities towards sorting more temporary accommodation leading to a permanent premises.

At present there is little space for any sort of social activity, no cooking facilities and with the squad of 19 (16 men and 3 women) the area is unsatisfactory with regard to post call-out clean-ups and showering.

While the force is working as near to 100 percent as possible, some members feel those in charge are not supporting them given they are volunteers with personal work committments and providing an essential community service.

Area manager for Whangarei and Kaipara Mike Lister told The Focus a lot of work had been done between the Fire Service and Kaipara District Council in deciding whether to relocate or rebuild on the same site, but was pleased to report that a temporary building had been ordered to be attached to the end of the existing building.

“We realise the importance of the right facilities,” says Mr Lister. “Many Brigades in Christchurch for example, are still working out of shipping containers post-earthquake.

“However we are working through the red tape, we will be meeting with other parties in the next week to make sure everyone is happy with the arrangement and, rest assured, as Area Manager I will be putting pressure on to get a better setup for these firemen, if not by Christmas, then ASAP.”

Local fire chief Maurie Doughty acknowledged that the wheels had been slow to move but was happy to confirm that the station had had a visit from the National Property Manager from Wellington and confirmed that a portacom had been ordered, was presently being fitted out and efforts were being made to have it in place by Christmas. With regard to a permanent building, there was the possibility of rebuilding on the existing site and other sites were being considered.

This will come as good news to all as the high fire season is approaching and last year the brigade attended 46 callouts over the peak period which is one every second day.

Mangawhai is privileged to have an impressive group of qualified firefighters and this should be maintained with the best possible facilities to ensure they can operate at maximum effectiveness.

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