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New executive for lifeguard service


Melville Laird   MVHLS President 2013(copy1)Saturday November 23 saw the Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Lifeguard Service (MHVLS) hold its 2013 Annual General Meeting, marking the start of a new season for its committee.

Recently the club adopted a new constitution aligned with Surf Life Saving New Zealand (SLSNZ) and among some of the changes is a new executive.

Melville Laird was voted in as president and the longtime member of the club is excited about the coming season and what the club can achieve.

"I'm proud to become president of MHVLS and am looking forward to building on the hard work and successes of the previous committee and president," he said.

Laird replaces Mike Ferguson who has been president for the past three seasons and among other achievements has been overseeing the clubhouse renovations.

Daniel Russek, a life member and experienced lifeguard in his own right, takes up the role of chairman from interim Simon Bennett.

Russek has been around the club for over 20 years and brings a positive and organised approach to the executive.

"I’ve been a long serving member of this club, since I was a skinny nine-year-old. I’m extremely proud of this club and all of those who work so hard. I strongly believe this club has an opportunity to put some good young enthusiastic people in the driver’s seat and move forward on to even greater things," he says.

Russek hopes to bring unity to the club and is keen to see the completion of the clubhouse along with many other projects in the coming season.

Club captain also has a new face in Tim Gibb, who replaces 2013 SLSNR Lifeguard of the Year, Richard Kannemeyer.

No stranger to the MHVLS, Gibb has been an active member for over five seasons and has worked as a professional lifeguard in NZ and the UK.

"Yeah, I'm stoked being elected as club captain, and excited about the season ahead."

Russek and Gibb form two of the six members of the executive. Other key positions include junior surf coordinator, clubhouse director and treasurer.

MHVLS committee 2013/14

President Melville Laird, Vice President Tony Baker, Chairman Daniel Russek (Executive), Treasurer Gordon Finlayson (Executive), Club Captain Tim Gibb (Executive), Executive (3) Rochelle Flavell, Alex Tidyman, Arnie Leader, Club Instructor Amanda Aislabie, Clubhouse Director Jess Costello, Powercraft Officer Murray Dix, Gear Steward Paul Smith, First Aid Officer Simon Dobrowolski, Junior Surf Coordinator Shay Waldron, Membership Development Kathy Newman, Public Relations Officer Tony Baker, Club Patron Marie Flavell.
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