Detox first step to a healthy bodyThis 30 day detox transforms lives. You may start for weight loss but be prepared to experience the side effects of vitality, health, quality sleep, joint improvement or, as in my-self, pain-free joints.
This is not a diet. It is a balancing of your body through nutrition. The detox is the first step towards your continued and ongoing healthy lifestyle. The programme changes to maintenance when you choose, or sports support if you are athletic. This is a complete food programme. You will be supplied the complete and balanced nutritionalist-designed package. You choose to eat a healthy lunch or dinner each day other than the four detox days in the programme. I loved the way the brown box arrived. I opened and found easy-to-follow directions. The online group support is amazing. I dropped two sizes in jeans and 10cm off my waist in 12 days. I feel healthier and more vibrant than I have in years. I notice the building of lean muscle in my legs, and almost daily changes in my body shape and, no, I am not going to the gym or exercising yet, but will be very soon. This programme has recently been released in NZ and is also being used to build lean muscle and performance by some of our elite sports people. With a money back guarantee on the 30 day programme you have nothing to lose but those extra kilos. Check out our ad and make the call for more information. . |