Getting physical Get in the raw this summerRaw foods are very good for the body and with gardens now flour-ishing and salad greens plentiful this is a great time to have your body cleansed and ready for the rigours of long, hot summer days. When foods are eaten uncooked this means that optimum vitamins and minerals are available for absorbtion into your system. Raw, fresh juices are another great way to get nutrients from fruit and veges especially when served to youngsters who don’t particularly like veg-es but LOVE smoothies. There are some great recipes for raw food bars and slices on the internet and recipe books. Even when you only lightly cook veges by stir frying or steaming they will re-tain much of the mineral and vitamin content of the food as well. Fresh salads are an-other great way to eat raw foods and eating fresh peas from the pod or baby carrots straight from the garden can be a nov-elty for the kids too. Tastes can be en-hanced and varied by us-ing a variety of dressings. Raw foods help to de-tox the body of processed foods and at Sunshine Organics you can find a wide range for sale, including delicious raw chocolate. Do your body a favour and get ‘in the raw’ this summer. See advert this page. |