
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



In Brief

New representatives

At the October council meeting, commissioners resolved that two members of the Mangawhai community should be appointed to the newly formed Mangawhai Endowment Fund Allocation Committee to assess future funding applications. The Mangawhai Community Trust was invited to call for expressions of interest and subsequently Jo Roberts and Alan Russek have been appointed. 

Mangawhai speed limits

Between the Village and the Heads there are currently four changes of speed zones and three speed limits which cover the urban development, semi-rural and light industry which is undertaken between the two centres. Given the expected development especially around the new museum and Mangawhai Park area the council decided to remove the existing 70 and 80 kph restrictions and extend the 50 kph limit from the Village to the Heads.

Wastewater system working well 

During the month of December Water Infrastructure Group successfully operated the Mangawhai wastewater system achieving targets established under the contract deed. There were no occupational health and safety issues experienced or any environmental incidents. 

The wastewater treatment plant performed well during December. Effluent quality for the month met performance requirements as specified by Northland Regional Council in the Resource Consent. No odour complaints were received in the month 

All major pump stations operated throughout the period without fault. All high use grinder pumps were inspected and checked prior to Christmas. There were 13 grinder pump callouts in the month. 

Specials a drawcard

Once-a-year specials and an influx of visitors will bring more than $15 million into Northland at the Northland Field Days from February 21-23 says president Lew Duggan.

"With the new website's special page we have seen an unprecedented interest from exhibitors in offering specials," says Duggan. "Visitors could save thousands on farm machinery, services and all manner of things."

According to Duggan discounts have always been a big drawcard for visitors to Northland's largest outdoor event.

“The hundreds of businesses exhibiting realise they have to compete with each other to win event visitors' money,” says Duggan. “Visitors are the winners of this as they get offered three-day-only specials which probably won't be matched again for the rest of the year.”

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