KSA Sports Briefs
Movie Night
Looking for a fun, cheap night out for the whole family? We will be showing the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Dog Days, at the Sports Complex on Friday February 22. Doors open at 7.30pm. Only $4 per adult and $2 per child (Yr9 & under). Funds raised will go to the Kaiwaka Sports Association.
Quiz Night
As a fundraiser for the sports association we will hold a Quiz Night at the Complex on Friday March 15. Teams of 4–6, supper provided and bar open. Prizes for the top three teams plus lots of spot prizes! $10 per head. Register your team with me on 431 2051.
Junior tennis
Junior tennis is on Saturday mornings 9–10am at the Kaiwaka courts. Grant van Dalsum will coach the players during Term 1 on Mondays from 4.30 to 5.30pm. Any primary or high school aged children are welcome to come along. Thank you to the junior tennis parents who helped with the kitchen roster at the Otamatea Tennis Tournament. For information on junior tennis please phone Lindell Ferguson (evenings) on 431 2542.
Senior rugby
Even though we are still in the middle of summer, thoughts are turning to rugby. The Otamatea Hawks’ first pre-season match will be held at our grounds on Saturday February 16, kickoff 1.30pm – a chance for our new coach Paul Mant to put the boys through their paces! A Rugby Smart course (for coaches of grades U14 and above) will be held at the Complex on Monday March 4 at 6.30pm. The next Otamatea Rugby meeting will be held at the Complex on Tuesday February 26 at 7pm. And registrations for our Otamatea Rugby Reunion in April have already started to come in.
Junior rugby
Our junior rugby club, Eastern United, is also preparing for the season with their AGM at the Complex on Monday February 25, 5.30pm. All parents of JMB children are encouraged to attend. Their registration day will be held at the Complex on Sunday March 17, 9.30am. All boys and girls interested in playing rugby are invited to attend. For JMB enquiries phone Rebecca Blissett on 431 2085.
Martial Arts
Our Martial Arts instructor Craig Bennetts is starting a new class on Sundays at 8.30am in our gymnasium beginning on Sunday February 17. Learn Tai Chi for harmony, wellbeing, balance and relaxation. For enquiries please phone Craig on 4315 170 or email
Thanks Steve
And lastly a special thank you to Steve Campbell who does a great job keeping our website up-to-date. Visit for details on any of our upcoming events or information on our affiliated sports clubs.
Cheryl Anderson, Kaiwaka Sports Assoc. manager, 431 2051