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Did You Know?

Gardens flourish in dry conditions
Despite the extremely dry conditions, vegetable production at the Community Gardens is flourishing. It is all very humbling really, seeing the volunteers putting such effort into weeding, hoeing, watering, composting and mulching, all the while talking and laughing! 
“It’s all about sharing and camaraderie,” explains a smiling Joan. “There’s a lot of talking, an awful lot, but the work gets done.” 
For nearly five years now, volunteers have been turning up on a Friday morning at the gardens behind the Rose Madsen Cottage by the Domain, working through until the ‘cuppa’ around 10.30am.  All the fresh produce goes into the shed, with helpers getting the first pick, the rest (and there’s a lot) regularly distributed through Northlink Health to the elderly and sick in the community. 
“Everyone is welcome, just come and go as you can, “ Joan says. “We have people who propagate seeds at home for us, others make morning tea, donate tools, plants and compost materials. Someone left us some buckets and tools recently – much appreciated.”
Joan and Ted can be contacted on 431 5924 if you would like to learn more.
Name ring any bells?
Have you heard the Mangawhai Handbell Ringers? The group is led by Dennis Green, described by wife Sally as ‘an old hand’ who has been a rope puller for 53 years (a campanologist) while Sally confesses to only 24 years, both in the UK and here at St Matthews in the City. They say there are only seven churches here in NZ hung for change bell ringing, which is the bell turning 360 degrees each pull, stopping on a stay. 
But the Green’s are relatively new to handbell ringing, intending to borrow a set to practise for the consecration of the newly built Chapel of Christ the King on Molesworth Drive, while generous Sally surprised Dennis by presenting him with an imported set as a gift at Christmas! 
Joined by Ann Kelly, Vicki and Tony Cox, the Mangawhai Handbell Ringers made their debut at the church several weeks ago, but say they definitely need to concentrate on their weekly sessions. They are aiming for carols at Christmas and want to be well-rehearsed for a top performance at the consecration. 
Fascinating. Dennis and Sally can be contacted on 431 4172.
The Easter display at Bennett’s. Beautiful as ever. This year, kea, moa and kiwi eggs are a new addition, along with colourful hens, rabbits, frogs and more.
Bammas also have a display set up for the Walking Weekend in April; you can get all the outdoor gear you need right here in Mangawhai! Have a read of the daily surf report. For a non-surfer it offers some challenges, such as ‘stoke rating’…
Have some pride
It was a full-on holiday season as we all know, and people’s propensity to dump rubbish anywhere they like was also evident. Blue Marlin and Bammas got together and ensured the village shopping area was always rubbish free by buying bags to collect it and then storing until collection day. Well done. A bit of community pride. Which is more than can be said for locals who dump their household rubbish in and around the commercial bins.
MPL: Waste not, want not
Which brings us to recycling. I asked MPL on Mangawhai Heads Road, if they would accept an old toaster, hairdryer and computer printer.
They explained that MPL accepts electrical goods for recycling with a disposal fee according to the item. Large appliances, TVs and CRT computer monitors cost $25 each, smaller appliances and printers $10 each. Whiteware and steel appliances like my toaster are transported to Sims Steel Mill in Auckland for shredding, metal separation, and recycling back into light gauge steels.
Computers, printers, monitors and telephones, e-waste, is sent to Ewaste Recycling Ltd in Christchurch, who have dismantling and recovery systems. The lead and mercury in CRT monitors and TVs require special handling and dismantling, and are then sent in bulk from NZ to a company in Melbourne with the facilities to process.
While there is potential for value-added recovery at local level by breaking down to the various elements, labour cost is too high for the present volume, hence most communities send these commodities to large centre processing.
Thanks, Materials Processing Ltd, for the facilities you provide to this community.
Drums going for a song!
This item is too good to go for recycling. It’s a Pearl Rhythm Traveler drum set. Five- piece ‘practice’ kit with mesh heads and cymbal pads for quiet practice as well as standard drum heads for regular playing. Compact and highly portable. Ride cymbal and hi-hat and plenty of stands and arms for adding crash cymbals. No pedal. Lots of accessories including sticks and stick bag, drum bag, and electronic metronome. Excellent condition and only $350. Contact Jo Roberts on 431 4711 who will probably be so pleased to free up the storage space!
Machinery sale fundraiser
Not recycling, but re-use: The big farm machinery auction on March 23, 1920 State Highway 1, Kaiwaka. Organised by Maungaturoto & Districts Rotary Club as a fundraiser (commission of 20 percent) it is an opportunity to sell your unused or unwanted machinery and get some cash for yourself as well. Register your items as soon as possible by email, fax or phone. Thornton Auctions ph/fax (09) 622 1963, enquiries@ thorntons.net.nz or local Rotarian Dave Prankerd ph/fax 431 4440, email djprankerd@xtra.co.nz.
Local woman honoured
International Women’s Day, March 8, will be celebrated by the Zonta Club of Mangawhai by honouring a local woman who has made a significant contribution to the local community. This year’s recipient is Millie O’Leary, founder and organiser of the St John Opportunity Shop in Kaiwaka. Millie will receive her yellow rose award at a breakfast at Harvest Café, 7.30am on March 8. Guests are welcome, but please book by phoning 431 4111.
Golf Club hosts internationals
Swallows, godwits, snowbirds… all terms used for those folk who spend half the year in Mangawhai, the other half ‘back home’. An ‘International Day’ held recently at the Golf Club was sponsored by a group of ‘snowbirds (Canada) and godwits (UK) plus some permanent ‘imports’! Spokesperson Carol Lett said it was a ‘pilot project’ (bit of an in-house pun as David Lett is a pilot) as a way of saying thank you for the wonderful time they all spend here in Mangawhai. The Canadian High Commission lent support for the tournament, so don’t be surprised if you see a lot of maple leaf lapel pins being worn!
Help our Monarch butterflies
Time to sow swan plant seeds in preparation for next season. Kaiwaka Organics are offering packets at half price. Monarch butterflies are prolific right now, and they will be the ones who will hibernate over winter ready to start laying eggs in spring.

  • Evo Man at the Saturday village market! Yes, a new range of men’s toiletries from Echo Valley Olives, adding to the extensive range already available for women.
  • Naja Garden Centre now carries a range of furniture from Against The Grain – teak outdoor tables, folding chairs etc. 
  • Beach, Bach and Beyond is now operating from Sail Rock Drive – all very styley. (Is that a word?)
  • French lessons at the Frog & Kiwi. Learn the basics or improve your skills in an hour-long session with Natalie and David, fortnightly on a Wednesday afternoon. $25 includes coffee and snack. Phone 431 4439 or email frognkiwi@xtra.co.nz
News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711, email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz.
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