
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



In Brief

Online option for 2013 Census 

More than 2 million census forms are expected to be completed online in the 2013 Census. In 2006, just 7 percent of completed census forms were filled out online. Statistics New Zealand is aiming for 35 percent in 2013.

All forms completed online will be encrypted to ensure information is protected.

The online forms can be completed in English or Maori, and you will need an Internet Access Code and your paper forms. Census collectors will deliver these to every dwelling in New Zealand between February and census day on March 5.

On census day, everyone in New Zealand must complete an individual census form. A form also needs to be completed for every dwelling.

For more information about the 2013 Census see www.census.govt.nz.


Zonta Club to honour local volunteer

Once again on International Women’s Day, March 8, the Zonta Club of Mangawhai will celebrate Yellow Rose Day by honouring a local woman who has made a significant contribution to the local community. This year’s recipient is Millie O’Leary, founder and organiser of the St John’s Opportunity Shop in Kaiwaka.

Milly’s son was a sufferer of severe bronchial asthma, and used the services of St Johns on many occasions, determined that one day she would give back to the service. After their son’s death 7 years ago and following retirement, Milly approached St Johns and set up the shop in Kaiwaka two-and-a-half years ago. 

In the first year they had a turnover of $22,000 and have a band of 6-7 volunteers. The success of the shop is a testament to Millie’s organisational skills, sheer hard work and determination, but it is her warm, generous personality and welcoming smile that are so distinctive and memorable.

Millie will be honoured at a breakfast at Harvest Café, Mangawhai, at 7.30am on Friday, March 8. Guests are welcome but please book by phoning (09) 431 4111.

Kaiwaka St John shop is open Tuesday to Friday, 10am–4pm and on Saturday from 10am–1pm. More volunteers are needed, especially strong men for moving furniture!


Sabin seeks youthful running mate

Northland MP Mike Sabin is looking to recruit a running mate to represent the interests of Northland in this year’s Youth Parliament.

The Youth Parliament programme involves 16-17 year old secondary school students who show an interest in politics, youth issues and their community, and provides them with an opportunity to represent their peers within Parliament in the middle year of each Parliamentary term.

The selection process involves an essay of 1000 words or less on the topic ‘Your Vision for the Northland economy’, with short-listed candidates presenting a five-minute speech on their vision, and answering questions from a panel which will include Mr Sabin and other invited guests.

The successful candidate will be nominated by Mr Sabin on April 5.

Prospective applicants should approach their Principal for more information, or contact Mr Sabin’s Wellington office on (04) 817 8384

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