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Gardening with Gael - Rick's rock wall


Cottage and rock wall(copy1)When Box started building the house last year he decided to take on an apprentice. This has worked out very well for Box and also very well for me. Every now and then when they get ahead of themselves and Box needs to do a day’s painting I get Rick the apprentice for the day.

Fortunately for me, Rick has done his horticultural apprenticeship with his mother Rowie who has a stall at the markets. I have also bought plants from Rick in the past as well. When he first arrived at work he was very interested to see how the kohekohe I had bought from him were going. We both had understood that kohekohes have a spreading rounded appearance and he was as surprised as me to see that mine have all grown rapidly into a tall single trunked tree. Native trees are Rick’s passion but fortunately for me he is also an able assistant at landscaping.

The rocks that form the terraces have been built by Box and me. Medium sized walls by me, large walls by Box. He started from the bottom of the garden and I started at the top. The central, and largest wall was still to be built. Box had positioned some of the large lower rocks but the bulk of the wall remained unfinished. As the house progressed this wall became the dominant view from the house verandah. The terraces and the their gardens flow perfectly towards the house just as I envisaged and the last wall, which was a pile of weeds, became such a priority in my mind that the first time Box said ‘Would you like Rick for a day?’ I leapt at the opportunity to finish the last wall.

I know how long it takes me to clear, barrow and heave rocks into position, not to mention the extra half hour of yoga stretches I need at the end of the day to recover. With Rick on the job the wall took shape in no time at all and the pile of rocks disappeared.

“It would have taken me three days at least,” said Box to me when Rick had finished, “and you about three weeks,.”

“Hmmm,” I said, “Three days huh?”

I am quite particular about how the rocks are placed and Rick has done a great job. Mowing up to the rocks, however can be quite hazardous to the mower. On two of the terraces I have planted borders of daylilies and irises. Persimmons and pomegranates grow on the top terrace and I really don’t have room for a border.

“Would you like Rick for another day?” asked Box again and I suggested maybe mowing strips along the base of the rocks and at the top of this wall would be a good idea. One day has turned into two and I know there is still the bottom terrace to do. The mowing strips look great. They make mowing an easier job and they provide an attractive finish. They are a good 15cm wide and 10cm deep. There are plenty of places for the soil that has come out of them.

“We need more rocks,” I said to Box, in preparation for Rick for another day.

HEAVY DUTY: From this view the new rock wall creates an eyeline that leads to the house.

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