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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did you know.....

Volunteers needed for mangrove removal
Removal of mangroves (0.65hectare) off Lincoln St is due to begin late March. After years of planning, research, reports, surveys, consultation, resource consent application, appeals, and finally, the decision fom the Environment Court, work can now proceed.

Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society executive hosted a well-attended public meeting last week to explain just what will be happening, the method of removal, disposal, and all the terms conditions they have to meet. Coastal engineers Andre and Robin La Bonte had prepared a very clear slide show which allowed those present to be brought up to date on the history, work to date, and future management plans.

All this of course, involves not just commercial contractors, but HUGE volunteer effort, and money! If you can help in any way, from frontline work as a labourer, machine operator, site manager, to background work such as record keeping, photography, liaison or whatever, please make contact with MHRA at www.mangawhaiharbourrestoration.co.nz, mhrs@ubernet.co.nz or chairman Trevor Downey 0274 328 774, deputy Loraine Hartley 021 141 3441. Local newspapers, radio station and the society website will all be doing their bit to keep everyone up to date with activities.

Riparian planting essential for harbour
And very much part of harbour management is riparian planting. If you have been watching the Sunday evening programme Keeping It Pure, on Prime, a clip from last Sunday showed the difference at Raglan that 20 years of planting all the fenced-off streams running into the catchment areas has made to the harbour and its environs. There are now native fish going up the streams to breed, eel grass in parts of the harbour for snapper to lay eggs, and once more you can catch fish in the much cleaner harbour. They have their own nursery, with 100,000 healthy plants to put out this season.

We now have a Riparian Planting Group in Mangawhai, and this year they are hoping to plant for their third season. They are looking for new sites, landowners who want to help by planting on their part of the catchment, as this is one way of starving mangroves of the silt which is washed down streams every time it rains. Anyone who wants to help in any way can contact either Mike on 027 655 1674 or Jane on 431 5828.

Success for amorous fairy terns
The New Zealand Fairy Tern Trust, based here in Mangawhai, has just released breeding results for the 2014 season covering the sites of Waipu, Mangawhai, Te Arai, Pakiri and Papakanui. Total eggs laid: 20 (2013 season 15). Eggs hatched: 12 (6), Chicks fledged 12 (5). Mangawhai site recorded 11 eggs laid (5), 9 hatched (3) and 9 fledged (3). These little terns remain on the critical list, but thanks to the trappers and volunteers, the 2014 season yeilded an excellent result.

Yellow Rose Award for Christine
The Zonta Club of Mangawhai would like to announce the recipient of the Yellow Rose Award for 2014 is Christine Bygrave. President of the Mangawhai Historical Society for the past six years, Christine has also been in charge of the exhibition space for the museum project, driven fundraising events, and the up-skilling of the museum volunteers. She was the first woman president of the Golf Club and established the 'Mangawhai Singers' who have presented numerous concerts as fundraisers for community causes. The award will be presented at a Yellow Rose Day breakfast, open to all, on Friday 7 March, 7.30am at Harvest Cafe. Just phone the cafe to let them know you are coming.

Museum fundraising gets serious!
Work is steadily progressing 'behind the scenes’ at the museum. The AGM of the Historical Society is coming up on Monday 10 March, 1.30pm at the museum. The Monster Garage Sale promises to surprise with what will be on offer – a big fundraising event. This will be happening on Saturday 15 March, and of course, donated goods will be eagerly received. If you have something saleable you would like to donate, please contact either Sharyn 431 4838 or Roi 431 5105 so collection can be arranged. And there's more... a Monster Auction at The Club on 29 March, in conjunction with the Bowls Tournament. This is serious fundraising!

Taking care of business…
Visible signs of local businesses suppporting each other in making sure visitors feel valued. Sail Rock and Madly Indian help each other out – if you've a long wait for your takeaway Madly Indian will suggest a drink at Sail Rock while you wait, and should the 8.30pm kitchen closure at Sail Rock occur, they'll suggest you get an Indian, bring it over and they will plate it up for you. And should you run out of pizza boxes, a ring around will ensure your supply is topped up to get you through. It's the sort of situation where everyone is a winner.

ORT stages French comedy
Otamatea Repertory is staging "Allo! Allo!", a comedy based on the well-known television series. A bus fom Mangawhai will be taking folk to the Saturday matinee on 22 March, leaving the Wood St shops at 1pm, and picking up passengers at the village hall. The cost, including bus, is $30 adults, $20 students. To book your seat for bus/show, please contact Lynda Wintle 431 4766.


■ Personalised plate BAMMAS on a blue 1962 Holden complete with fluffy dice! Dave is pretty proud of his vehicle, proudly advertising the Moirs surf and leisure business in the village.
■ Gift vouchers at Village GAS. No need to go out of town for gift vouchers covering everything from iTunes, The Warehouse, Mitre 10 to Paper Plus, Repco and numerous other stores.
■ Upstairs at The Hub: legal services, and a gym. Details later!
■ Maranui Conservation block is now home to not only 15 adult kiwi, but four chicks. Very pleasing.
■ Mangawhai artist and printmaker Wendy Clifford is currently exhibiting at ArtsPost Galleries (Waikato Museum) her prints on Von Tempsky/Adventurer. Through until 24 March, should you happen to be in Hamilton.
■ Like to be able to play the ukulele? Beginner classes starting in March with tutor Jan Steiner. Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711.

■ Friday 28 February: The Last Ocean, at Kaiwaka Cinema. 7pm showing. Not to be missed.
■ 27 February-1 March: Northland Field Days at Dargaville.
■ Sunday 2 March: 2pm matinee at Kaiwaka Cinema, 'The Smurfs".
■ Tuesday 4 March: Music Makers at Sail Rock from 7.30pm. Come along to entertain or be entertained.
■ Friday 7 March: Yellow Rose Award breakfast at Harvest Cafe. 7.30am. All welcome. Phone Harvest Cafe to secure a place.
■ Friday 7 March: Award winning 'Gravity' at Kaiwaka Cinema, 7.30pm
■ Monday 10 March: Mangawhai Historical Society AGM, 1.30pm at the Museum. Entertaining guest speaker!
■ Sundays through to end of March: Devonshire Teas at Tara Lodge. 1-4pm, $10pp. Garden games, chess, croquet etc. Bookings to 431 4730.

■ News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711. Email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz
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