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Letters to the Editor


Focus ‘fair and balanced’
I take pleasure in writing to congratulate the Focus on its excellent report (10 Feb 2014) of the recent High Court Hearing of the MRRA’s Judicial Review application.

I particularly congratulate The Focus on its grasp of the complex issues in play and the fair and balanced way these were covered.

Many have criticised The Focus for what is perceived to be a leaning in favour of the Government’s Commissioners’ views.

I think this report, taken with the fact that your paper almost always publishes all the criticisms levelled at it, requires an open-minded re-think.

The article was so well done that there was clearly no need for a ‘Your questions answered’ column in the same issue!

I, and from what I hear numerous others, also take additional pleasure in being able to read through an entire issue of the Focus and find no KDC propaganda.

One has to hope that once democracy comes back to our community it will begin to thrive again, and buy space in your paper to make up for the revenue no longer coming from the Dargaville Spin Centre.

The MRRA would be grateful, through your good offices, publicly to thank Maurie Doughty for his many years of service to our community.

Bruce Rogan

Thanks Maurie Doughty
By the time you read this letter Maurie you will no doubt have had your final retirement bash, received your Double Gold Star, and like any good Elvis now simply ‘left the building’.

I certainly hope that you will now have more time to smell all the daisies, help Judy with the housework, and of course also get to read the Mangawhai Focus from cover to cover without interruption!

You have served all of Mangawhai so admirably since the early 1980’s and I know that I for one – and I’m not even a permanent resident – sincerely appreciate the dedication, time, integrity and leadership you have always maintained in serving the Mangawhai community and surrounding rural areas as chief of the Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade.

You’ll recall that recently I ran the Salsa with Sculpture & Artworks In The Vines fundraiser to support the Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade. On the day of the event I issued all the fire brigade volunteers with large colourful sombrero hats to wear. It was interesting to note that only the wearer of the sombrero pre-labelled ‘Chief Honcho’ was still in the pouring rain wearing his allocated sombrero at the end of the day.

Now, if nothing else, that tells me something of the character of this particular man. He was actually meant to be sitting back and enjoying the music that day with no given ‘jobs’ to do in what was his pending retirement. But oh no, he was seen selling raffle tickets, overseeing troops cooking the BBQ, and then as an auctioneer spotter – all in his allocated sombrero!

We will miss you Maurie as you have been so very important to the whole of MVFB and truly a hands-on much-respected leader and spokesperson for its ongoing successful operation.

Thank you also to Judy who has always been a tower of strength and total support in your career with the Fire Service.

Best wishes on your well-earned Double Gold Star and in your retirement as Mangawhai’s Fire Chief.

Annie Kitchener

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