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Mangawhai a hi-tech holiday hot spot


Mangawhai and parts of the Coromandel have topped Vodafone’s list of most connected holiday spots in New Zealand, revealed this week.

Mangawhai saw an increase in 3G data of 1,000 percent from one week in mid-December to the week of 26 December, beating other popular holiday spots like Wanaka, Gisborne and Waihi.

Auckland man, Rick Buissink, who spent the summer in Mangawhai with family and friends, says his smartphone was as much a part of the holiday as the chilly bin.

“We were connected whenever we needed to be this summer. We used the network to stream music out on the deck, and to check work emails and fishing spots.

“On wet days we entertained the kids by turning my smartphone into a WiFi hotspot so they could watch YouTube on the tablet – it was great!”

Vodafone’s Consumer Director, Matt Williams, says the surge in data at popular spots shows that being connected has become part of the holiday experience.

“The proliferation of smartphones has changed the way Kiwis spend their holiday time – and pack their cars!

“Along with the skim boards and cricket set, we’re taking the office, TV, and music library with us – in the tablet or smartphone.”

Vodafone monitors network activity closely says Matt, and are constantly investing in the network to meet the demands of an increasingly mobile population.

Ahead of each year’s holiday season, the network is boosted around the country to manage the high volume of calls, TXTs and data.

“Before Christmas and New Year for example, we invested more than $1.5 million in our Coromandel network alone, upgrading 2G and 3G on eight permanent cell sites to increase speed and capacity, activating 4G mobile technology in parts of the Coromandel and deploying temporary cell sites in Whangamata, Hahei, Whitianga, Pauanui and Tairua to further boost capacity and cope with the influx of holiday makers.”

CONNECTED: Mangawhai visitor Rick

Buissink says being connected gives the whole family access to music, movies, email and information while on holiday.

Mangawhai a hi-tech holiday hot spot
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