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Responsible pet ownership


At this time of year shelters are bursting at the seams with unwanted cats, kittens and pups, this article is a reminder to all pet owners of the responsibilities we all have.

Sharing your life with a pet should be a rewarding experience; they provide us with unconditional love and companionship. In return, we have a responsibility to make sure their needs are met.

Dumping your pet
Sadly this happens – people dump their pet and expect it to fend for itself. Financial reasons, losing interest, or moving to a new home which doesn't allow pets are some common reasons for dumping a pet.

When we adopt a pet, we become their guardian. We are responsible for their wellbeing for the life of the pet, not until it is no longer convenient. Scrounging food from garbage bags is fraught with risks: spreading sickness, poisoning or baiting, cats hunting native wildlife.

If you can no longer give your pet a home then do the responsible thing – find it another home. Advertise in your local paper, put a flyer in local vet clinics, also on the many websites which permit you to list pets. Do not dump it and expect it to fend for itself, or leave it for someone else to rescue it.

I cannot emphasise how important it is to de-sex your pet. Tens of thousands of cats and dogs are euthanised each year due to lack of homes for them all. Don't be a part of the problem by allowing your animal to breed.

Planning ahead
If you are a renter, bear in mind that many landlords and real estate agents don't permit pets on the lease. If you are a pet owner and renter it will be more difficult for you to find a house or unit than if you didn't have a pet. Before you acquire a pet, think ahead about accommodation.

A few days here and there is no problem, you can have a friend or neighbour pop around and feed your cat. But what about that 6 week holiday? Do you have a plan on who will care for your pet? Boarding facilities are best for the long-term holiday care, but can be quite expensive.

Do your homework before you adopt a pet, make sure it’s suited to your lifestyle and environment. Are you prepared to care for this pet for the rest of its life? Is the pet suitable for your lifestyle and living arrangements? Think about what animal suits your lifestyle. Do you have the time to regularly walk a dog, or are you gone for long periods of time? Remember cats and dogs are babies for a short period of time, ask yourself if you are prepared to share your life with this animal for it's lifetime.

■ Jan van der Lee lives locally and assists with animal welfare and desexing.

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