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Red hot New Year for local fire brigade


Gala fat fire demo 2015-308Mangawhai Brigade has been one of the busier brigades in the district over the summer, attending more calls than Kaiwaka and Waipu.

“The beginning of 2015 has seen a busy start to the year for the Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade and 2014 ended in a very active way for brigade members attending just short of 130 fire and rescue related incidents for the year,” says Brigade Officer in Charge, Mike McEnaney.

Partnership with St John

Mr McEnaney says there has been a real increase in calls and this is expected to continue with the New Zealand Fire Service entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with St John. This will ensure that there is continued promotion on a collaborative working relationship, support the duties and functions of both organisations, and will benefit the community.

The Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade will respond, as part of the agreement, to any cardiac arrests and other medical incidents as requested. Overall this is a great benefit for the community says Mr McEnaney.

“Early intervention or medical assistance can mean a better outcome to any members of the public. Medical co-response calls are something that brigade members are fully trained for.

Fire callouts increase

An increase in vegetation and scrub fires has occurred as expected thanks to dry conditions, and people are reminded to comply with Kaipara District Council (KDC) fire restrictions. Currently there is a restricted fire season across the Kaipara district. Fire permits are required. For more details see havingafire.org.nz.

The Mangawhai community and holiday makers have been very vigilant, contacting the fire service regularly over smoke or potential fire concerns.

”It is important that the brigade is notified if anyone is at all in doubt – and given the current dry conditions, fire can spread quickly with disastrous consequences,” says Mr McEnaney.

Fire safety and training

Brigade training has already commenced again for 2015, a challenge for senior brigade members with a group of six new recruits and two new operational support remembers.

Fire safety education and promotion was the brigade’s major theme for the end of the year, putting on a number of big fire safety activates for the community – most notably with the kitchen fire demonstration unit at the Mangawhai gala day.

n If you require the fire and rescue service for any emergencies or concerns call 111. Contact brigade officer Mike McEnaney on 0274 500 131 or Gary Madden on 0274 317 018.

FIRE SAFE: MVFB member Tyler McEnaney demonstrates the dangers of using water on a fat fire at the recent annual Mangawhai Gala.
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