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Howdo raises roof, and dollars, at fundraiser


People of all persuasions are happy to support a good cause. And when there are two good causes they REALLY show their support.

Entrepreneur extraordinaire Mike ‘Howdo’ Howard again showed his organisational skills in programming a day of golf which was supported by $10,000 worth of prizes followed by an auction of sporting-related goodies, trips and memorabilia. Proceeds were divided between the Mangawhai/Kaiwaka Scout and Cub groups, and the Mangawhai Activity Zone.

A full field of 80 golfers representing 18 clubs from throughout the country braved a fine day but posted some horrendous scores in battling against the strong, swerling winds. However all enjoyed the day and settled down in the clubhouse for food and drink and to participate in the auction.

The prospect of a week in Queenstown for four friends in a modern 3-bedroom home with a 4-wheel drive vehicle, or a round for four people at Kauri Cliffs golf course with use of a BMW for the weekend was keenly sought and attracted brisk bidding – as did a day for four on the Hauraki Gulf in a luxury launch.

Of the ‘big ticket’ items, a signed and framed 2011 All Blacks Tri Nations jersey went for a top bid of $2,500. A framed pic of the U.S Masters flag signed by Adam Scott and Kiwi caddie Steve Williams had golf collectors salivating. No Aussie had ever won the award before and many consider it will probably never happen again. This prize fell to the bid of Aucklander Trish Western who parted with $5,000 for her trophy.

The highlight of the day though was the framed glove and ball from Kiwi golfing sensation Lydia Ko –and signed by her on the day she announced she was turning professional. More spirited bidding saw this potential investment reach a staggering $6,700 top bid from Aucklander Kathy Lyons which was met by a long and loud round of applause.

“I have to say the event was far more successful than I had imagined,” said Howdo in announcing a final figure in excess of $25,000 to assist the community groups.

Scout group leader Bruce Ferguson thanked Mike Howard for his efforts and outlined that the Scouts will use some of this money on much needed resources for the troop and on camping and tramping opportunities for the children. Scouts Holly Anderson and Bob Mills also thanked the golfers on behalf of their troop. Colin Gallagher, on behalf of the MAZ, also responded in a positive manner towards the golfers and the willingness of Mangawhai community to get behind and promote local groups and causes.

KO PRO: Kathy Lyons sent auction prices sky-high to be top bidder for the signed Lydia Ko item.
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