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Sisters rescue six from Mangawhai surf


What began as a relatively normal Tuesday to check out the big Mangawhai Heads surf after Monday’s big wind, ended up a potential life and death situation for Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Lifeguard Service (MHVLS) sisters Lauren and Hannah Williams.

Though they initially noticed a group of people at the southern end of the beach it wasn’t until a little later that the sisters sensed danger as the swell was taking the group towards the rocks.

A man and five young children were out in the very heavy conditions, one them pinned against the rocks, battered by a combination of very large waves and a strong rip that put him in real danger of serious injury.

The adult swimmer who was trying to help them was himself pinned against the rocks and both were in a state of panic and exhaustion and bleeding from cuts.

The girls, both of whom are volunteer lifeguards at Mangawhai Heads, dived into the surf and swam out to help the group.

Older sister Hannah got to the two people being pounded onto the rocks and held the child and towed the adult male out of the strong rip and back to the beach while Lauren pulled the three other young children (aged between 6 and 10) out of the storm surf and back to the beach.

The children were extremely grateful and there were tearful hugs all round, lucky that the off-duty lifeguards were on the beach, and a major incident was avoided due to their quick and effective actions.

Lauren recently finished working at Mangawhai Heads for the SLSNZ Regional Life-guard Service while Hannah was involved in a similar after-hours rescue last year.

"These people were very lucky the girls were at the beach and could help them back to shore," father Nick Williams said.

MHVLS vice president Tony Baker shared his sentiments. 

“With the Regional Lifeguard Service finishing up its patrols last week at Mangawhai Heads, people need to be extra careful swimming at unpatrolled beaches, especially when there is large storm surf, as in the case this week with the remnants of tropical cyclone June hitting our shores.

The combination of large waves and strong currents associated with these weather systems means the beach is a minefield for swimmers when there are no lifeguards on duty. Please check conditions before heading out swimming or boating," he said.

Mangawhai Heads Volunteer lifeguards will be patrolling weekends and public holidays up until Easter 2014. If you see anyone in trouble call 111 immediately.

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