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Big gala crowd braves heat


The rains came and filled the tanks, but nobody really believes it will rain on Mangawhai Gala Day regardless of the forecast – and so it was. The day delivered not just brilliant weather but some say temperatures up to 30 degrees.

But the enormous temperature was matched only by the enormous crowd.

Coffee, collie dogs performing, bouncy castles, music and mayhem, and cabbages and Kings. What else was there? Or rather, what wasn’t there?

Apart from a turnstile there is no way to record exact numbers but based on entrance fees the organisers believe between 6000 and 7000 paid persons flooded through the gates and for a few short hours, it is almost without equal as family entertainment and interest from the youngest to the oldest.

Most were quite happy to pay the $8 per car entrance and parking fee with many waving away their $2 change from a tenner donating it to community coffers. Remember, the Domain is community, not council, owned.

For Gala 2014 the nett profit was just under $40,000, and part of this will be allocated to playground improvements, landscaping and possibly including an integrated outdoor fitness track. Improved drainage of the back portion of the grounds is also under consideration to enable year-round use of the whole area. As the day is growing bigger by the year work needs to be done to accommodate more stallholders and a bigger crowd.

Such an event is a big logistical exercise co-ordinating space, volunteers and crowd and traffic control which was much improved this year.

Organisers report a lot of favourable feedback, formally via stallholders, informally from comments around the Village and Heads. One Waikato couple who came to Mangawhai partly through curiosity to see just what was generating all the negative press had nothing but compliments for the town and found nothing but happy positive people.

Of course the whole day would not be possible without the support of the community, businesses and stallholders who donate for quickfire raffles, spot prizes, and the almost 100 volunteers who assist on the day, and the committee who are already well into planning for next year’s event.

For Gala 2015 many stalls are already booked and paid for, decisions made for more and increased variety of food and drink outlets and more entertainment.

Is bigger better? Just you wait and see!

- John Dickie

GROWING PAINS: Mangawhai comes alive as thousands attend the summer gala at the Domain.
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