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Holiday policing made easy


Mangawhai Senior Sargeant Graham Gough reports that policing was made relatively easy this holiday period despite the large numbers of visitors converging on the area.

“Apart from some minor niggles everyone was well behaved, drivers were generally more tolerant though some frustration did appear on occasions, and potential problem areas like parking around the Domain on Gala Day were well controlled by the organisers,” he said.

Navigating Wood St at holiday time is always going to be a slow process as people queue for petrol and supplies at food outlets but by-and-large the long fine spell saw most in jovial mood and the ‘give way’ edict worked well so long as people exercised patience.

“The Northern Bass music festival ran smoothly for us this year,” said Sgt Gough. “Concert-goers blew off their energy over two days and the frequency of the return buses into Mangawhai meant the crowd was able to disperse in an orderly fashion.”

An incident worthy of mention came on December 27 when a woman and three young girls aged 10-15 years went for an afternoon walk up the Waterfall track on Marunui, King Rd. In endeavouring to find their way out they became lost and a search and rescue mission was mounted. However, thanks to the woman carrying a well-charged smart phone she was able to activate the compass app and, after making contact, send GPS co-ordinates to the search team and the group was later found safe and well in the area towards Cullen Rd, Waipu.

Later, a driver was seen acting erratically in Pearson St at the Village on New Years Day. When spoken to by a member of the public the driver took fast, evasive action during which he knocked that person over and sped away. The member of the public was fortunately not badly injured but the incident is classed as a hit-and-run situation and police are following strong leads in identifying the white Nissan Skyline and the party involved.

With the busiest time now past it is hoped locals and visitors enjoy the remainder of the holiday season in Mangawhai without major incident.

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