Local schools join community of learningImprovement through collaboration is the motivating force behind the development of the newly formed Community of Learning - Twin Coasts.
Chairpersons and principals of five Kaipara schools and four Early Childhood Centres have agreed to work together to improve teaching and learning in all of the schools through sharing expertise, resources and problem solving. A Community of Learning (CoL) is a group of education and training providers working together to help learners achieve their full potential, and can include early learning services, schools, kura, and post-secondary education providers. Each CoL sets shared goals, or achievement challenges based on the particular needs of its children and young people. By collaborating and sharing expertise, student learning pathways are supported and their transition through the education system improved. This approach also provides more opportunities for parents, families and whānau and communities to be involved with their children and young people's learning. State and State-integrated schools and kura within a CoL are funded to allow teachers time to work together on meeting the achievement challenges, drawing on each other's skills, knowledge and experience. The schools involved are Kaiwaka Primary, Mangawhai Beach School, Maungaturoto Primary, Otamatea High School, and Paparoa Primary. Rodney College is also involved as a co-opted member. Early Childhood Education Centres involved as part of the CoL are Mangawhai’s Before Six Early Childhood education Centre, Mangawhai Kindergarten, Wellsford Kindergarten, and Wellsford Preschool Education Centre. The different schools and pre-schools have individually analysed their needs and aspirations and believe that working as a Community of Learning will be a positive and progressive step forward for everyone. Following a meeting in early December, a group spokesperson said CoL members look forward to working with the Ministry of Education on the new initiative and intend to make the most of the opportunity – working across communities on issues that affect students. It is expected that the management of the CoL will be set up in early 2017, with every Board of Trustees having representation, and appointments made in Terms One and Two. Effective writing skills and supported transitions have been mooted as the first focus areas. |