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Kids eco film competition launches in Mangawhai



6 July, 2022


Sustainable Kaipara is launching its first kids film competition in Mangawhai, a chance for them to share with the community their ideas for looking after the environment, and it’s open to primary aged kids 5-12-years-old.

The short films should be between 30 seconds and 90 seconds long and should focus on some action that kids and their families might take to reduce waste, or it could be an idea to better look after our environment. Entries close July 29, 2022.

“We really wanted to give kids a chance to share their ideas and stories on how they help look after our environment,” says Sustainable Kaipara's Sarah Bray. “Kids are so switched on to this stuff, we need to hear their voices. Plus it’s a great chance to let them unleash their creativity.”

Films could cover how we send less waste to landfill, five little things you can do to look after our earth, or this is how we don’t buy so much stuff and create less waste.

To help guide the kids on making a film, Andy Bruce from Elevated Media put together his top tips for making a short film.


● Think about your idea. What's the best way to present it visually?

● Where are you going to film it? Inside or outside? Good lighting is needed.

● Get permission from the people you are filming.

● When I'm filming this type of video, I plan out what I'm going to say and write it down as bullet points or a script.

● Telling a story with your video is a great way to make it stand out.

● Then, it's easy to come up with a plan for your shot or multiple shots if you're going to edit them together.


Whether you're filming on a smartphone, tablet or a camera, these tips will help you maximise the quality of your video:

● Shoot horizontal or landscape to fill the screen as the judges will be watching these on the big screen. You can get more in the shot and this isn't going on Tik Tok!

● Good composition can take your video to the next level. What do I mean by this? Well, you want your subject matter to be nicely framed in the shot, not too far away and not too close, just right.

● Stabilise your phone/tablet or camera. If you don't have a tripod, you can just rest the phone on a flat surface. Even better, get someone with a steady hand to film you.

● Lighting is important, so if you're filming indoors, make sure your shot is well lit, using a light or natural sunlight from a window.

● Audio makes up half of the experience when you watch a video, so make sure to reduce background noise and make sure you're coming through loud and clear on the recording – testing, testing 1, 2, 3.


If your plan involves more than one shot (which it doesn’t need to) then you're going to need to edit your clips into a video.

● There are lots of free video editing options: iMovie, Windows movie maker, Splice, Canva, Beatleap are free or have free trials you can use.

● When editing remember less is more and keep your clips short and to the point.

● If you want to get creative, you can add text or music to your masterpiece.


Most of all, have fun with it. Visit Sustainable Kaipara’s website for more ideas, terms and conditions and to fill in the entry form, sustainablekaipara.org/kids-film/

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