
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



July 24th Issue

Donations put back into community

14 MF-WWndfunds copy-781

Ed Said - Not so sleepy Mangawhai


Uncertain future for Mangawhai Domain

14 MF-Domain-246

St John juniors win big

14 MF-St John Champs-419

Love Kaipara earns big funding grant

Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock-165-586-680

Mayors Message



District development group seek to work alongside Council

The July 11 Kaipara District Council meeting in Dargaville saw newly established incorporated society Tika Whai make a presentation to councillors.

Tika Whai is a group of design, construction and environmental professionals and Iwi from the region who felt they should not stand by while Council appears to struggle with the overwhelming amount of development in the greater Kaipara area.

Mixing with the Mud


Meditation = Medicine for the Brain

Lorraine Morrow-714

Notes from a travelling artist


Excitement and adventure to leap from Jungle Book

ORT Jungle Book crew-23

The Quay to good food

Lloyd & Mike sm

Worzels World - On Behalf of the Narrow Minded and Intolerant

Many of the teachers and other adult figures of my childhood were anything but tolerant. Perhaps they have scarred me for life. Once the best part of a lifetime ago after mixing with the Kelly boys – who were rightly regarded as a rough lot – I had picked up a pejorative phrase that had gained some popularity back then.

Gardening with Gael - There definitely needs to be a hedge

Magnolia hedge-724

Letters to the Editor

What does the community want? - The last two issues of the Focus have had articles and letters related to the AGM of the Domain Society.

Can someone give us the heads-up? - There has recently been yet another lot of reportedly ‘old Maori skulls’

Fish fundraiser for new art centre

14 MF-Fishart copy-257

New gallery realising a dream

geoff and chris mason copy-576

Northland company chosen to construct Hawaiki cable landing station

Council in deep over flooding

14 MF-QuailWay-453

News in Brief

Committee elected  -Linking Hands vehicles travelled 95,372 km taking clients to medical appointments in the previous year.
Beach hoons - Criminal and anti-social behaviour has seen a lull over the last two weeks, ‘a good thing’.
New Year to sizzle
After last year’s wildly successful festival, Northern Bass promoters Fuzen have raised the stakes.

Electricity Upgrade to Quail Way

Northpower has completed an urgent modification to an electricity pillar to ensure the safety of Mangawhai residents.

Field staff had raised concerns over flooding around a pillar supplying electricity to one home in Quail Way.

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