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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



10th June 2013


Meetings for prospective regional Councillors


Kenya trip of a lifetime for local volunteer

jill 6(copy)(copy)

Ed Said - Having fun without going off the rails

I’ve been ‘training.’ Well, nothing strenuous. In fact quite the opposite. Self and ‘er indoors last weekend took a trip on the scenic Overlander train from Auckland to Wellington.

Northland Residents can save more on power bills

Potato Hills - Frog DNA

147 FROG DNA(copy)

New KDC manager a firm Mangawhai supporter

Jill McPherson(copy)

Kaipara Commissioner - John Robertson - Your Questions Answered: Council to review draft report

Did You Know

¡ News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711 or email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz

A taste of India in Kaiwaka

spice lounge(copy)

Strongest Tall Ship Challenge yet say organisers

R Tucker(copy)

Unitary Authority: One for all?

Gardening with Gael - Friends right til the end

Rosies garden(copy)

Worzels World - The Redundant Vision

News in Brief

Nominate teachers and leaders - nominations now open for the ASG Teaching Awards and Cognition Education Leadership Awards.
Save the date - The Surf Life Saving Winter Appeal is coming up.
Time running out to enter best chip shop contest - Chip Shops in Northland are being urged to enter the national 2013 Best Chip Shop Competition.

Trivia fundraiser to boost Zonta scholarship

Channel your favourite movie star and be in to win fantastic prizes at the Zonta Club of Mangawhai’s annual fundraising Trivia Night on Thursday June 27.

This year’s theme is Movie Madness, aided by the special drink for the night, the ‘Garbo Guzzler.’

Zonta ambassadors hosted

The Zonta Club of Mangawhai recently hosted an evening at Harvest Café to welcome back 2012 Spirit of Adventure Scholarship recipient Hayley Aldworth to talk about her 10-day voyage.
Hayley Aldworth with Amokura Award1(copy)

Local Vocals have something to sing about

Local residents will soon have another opportunity to participate in group singing, with the Local Vocal Choir.

denis newhook(copy)

Get all shook up at the Tavern

From the sultry voice to the swing of the hips, Brendon Chase is New Zealand’s premier Elvis tribute artist and has been entertaining professionally as Elvis for 18 years.


Brendon Chase Elvis(copy)

Daughter of James Joyce subject of stage show


Services to community and country not unnoticed

Two locals have figured prominently in the Queen’s Birthday Honours announced last week.

Mangawhai’s Charles Cooke and Sir Lockwood.


Kingsview residents prepared for emergency


Literacy and numeracy tutor training proves popular


Clear blue skies over Sail Rock event

Antarctic debate about to heat up


Growing Interest in social golf


Mud runners about to get down and dirty

Mud girls(copy)

No changes to management of striped marlin


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