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Clear blue skies over Sail Rock event

Forgetting that we're into the supposed first month of winter, the weather stayed bright, clear and warm for the annual Sail Rock Cafe Mixed Open at the Mangawhai Golf Club.

Held on the Sunday of Queen's Birthday Weekend, this popular tournament drew a near-capacity field of 120 golfers comprising Mangawhai members and visitors from many other clubs.

Sponsor Margaret Fish brought along a strong team of supporters and ensured that a very attractive prize table was there for the taking by the better golfers.

Gross, nett and stableford competitions were held across two men's divisions and one for ladies.

The course was, as always, in outstanding condition and the clear blue skies ensured a day that was enjoyed by all – even those whose golf didn't quite make the grade.

Best round of the day was recorded by Ray Snooks (Huapai and Mangawhai) whose gross 74 was the result of good placement and an accurate short game.

Best ladies score was posted by Sara Jasmat (Muriwai), her 84 putting her 4 shots clear of Kath Clark (Peninsula).
Club President Mike Howard (himself a somewhat surprising winner on the day) presided over the well-attended prizegiving and he thanked Margaret Fish for her generous contribution to the success of the event.

Men, Division 1 (0-18)
Best Gross: Ray Snooks, 74; Runner-up: Brook Nathan, 80
Best Nett: Mike Howard, 67; Runner-up: Brian Kidston, 69
Best Stableford: Jacob Hassall, 41; Simon Cox, 37; Wayne Fowler, 36; Des Chitty, 36; Darryl McDonald, 36; Larry Renner, 35; Ross Hattaway, 35.
Nearest The Pin: Ross Hattaway. Straightest Drive: Rex Watson
Men, Division 2 (19+)
Best Gross: Mark Gardiner, 91; Runner-up: Ray Crawshaw, 94
Best Nett: Julian Rous, 63; Runner-up: Neville Dowson, 69
Best Stableford: Malcolm Davey, 42; Richard Buchanan, 37; Alex Smith, 37; Brian Browne, 35; Jon Ash, 35; Peter Fredricsen, 35; Bill Galbraith, 34; Ross Bolton, 34.
Nearest The Pin: Neville Dowson. Straightest Drive: Malcolm Davey
Best Gross: Sara Jasmat, 84; Runner-up: Kath Clark, 88
Best Nett: Annie Gentry, 68; Runner-up: Cherie Adkins, 71
Best Stableford: Wendy Braby, 40; Barbara Chitty, 36; Carol Versfeld, 36; Maggie Cameron, 36; Sue Ash, 35; Milly Mettam, 35; Sheila Gough, 35, Ali Howard, 34
Twos: Jason Archibald, Darrin Breakwell, Malcolm Davey, Neville Dowson, George Knightly, Milly Mettam, Greg O'Shannassy, Larry Re4nner
Drawn prize (rounds for two at Kauri Cliffs) was won by Peter Fredricsen.



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